Park Bookings

Hawkesbury City Council provides a huge variety of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors, including over 200 magnificent parks and reserves.

The Recreation Guide and Yarramundi Reserve Brochure highlight information on organised recreational activities, facilities, parks and open space planning, future parks improvements, and many other recreational programs and services offered in the Hawkesbury.

Click here to make park bookingThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window. Credit Card payment will be required at the time of making your booking.

To view our terms and conditions for park bookings please click here.

Use of Parks and Reserves

If you wish to use a park or reserve for a family picnic you may do so without obtaining prior approval from Council. Please note that the installation of any structures such as jumping castles, professional marquees and the like will require permission.  For large family group events please contact Council to ensure that the park chosen can cater for your needs.

For organised events such as a Christening/Naming Ceremony, Wedding, business organised activities or events, a booking is required. Please view Council’s online booking systemThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window to ascertain if your preferred park is available on the day and time you wish to book.

For organised events such as a Christening/Naming Ceremony, Wedding, business organised activities or events, a booking is required. It is recommended that you contact Council’s Customer Service on ( 02) 4560 4444 in the first instance to ascertain if the park is available on the day and time you wish to book, before completing the Park Booking Form.

For use of any sporting grounds, the organisers will need to contact the Hawkesbury Sports Council

Richmond Park, Richmond and McQuade Park, Windsor have a combination of sporting field/s and open space areas.   If you wish to book these parks please contact Council to identify if the area you wish to use is under Council control or Sports Council control.

Please also note that driving of vehicles on Richmond Park could potentially damage the path brick edge, therefore no vehicles are to be driven onto the Park surface without specific approval.

Thompson Square, Windsor is heritage listed and you will need approval from the NSW Heritage OfficeThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window before Council will consider your application.

Please note that Council does not book shelters with the exception of the Richmond Park Rotunda.

Please note that Wisemans Ferry Park, Old Northern Road Wisemans Ferry is operated by The Hills Shire CouncilThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window- (02) 9843 0555

Which Park should I use?

Please see our Recreation Guide as to what each of our popular parks has to offer.

Popular Parks for Weddings are:

  • McQuade Park, Windsor
  • Macquarie Park, Windsor
  • Memorial Park, Windsor
  • Smith Park/Pughs Lagoon, Richmond
  • Hanna Park, North Richmond
  • Water Play – The Water Play at Governor Phillip Park  playground,  is operational between 8am and 8pm daily.  Any issues please contact Council on (02) 4560 4444.
Fees and Charges

There is an administration fee charged on all bookings for Parks which is revised each financial year. (Note: bookings for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies are exempt from paying this fee).

If you wish to hold a wedding in McQuade Park, Windsor you will be required to pay an hourly hire fee (maximum hire is 2 hours) as well as the administration fee.

Organisers will be required to pay a refundable park damage bond for all activities. Council’s fees and charges highlight a minimum bond of $300.00 (for sporting/community) or $1000.00 (for corporate/business) but this may be increased depending on the types of activity and their likelihood to cause damage, if there is a potential for great impact to the reserve or park, bond amount can be increased if needed. Please note that bonds and any other applicable fees must be paid at least two weeks prior to the event.

Organisers will be required to provide public liability insurance when erecting marquees, jumping castles, bringing in tables and chairs or if staging an event.

Refundable key bonds may be required if you need access to keys to open gates or to access electricity.

Fees are also payable for use of electricity.

Please note booking does not guarantee exclusive use, nor will additional maintenance outside routine cleaning, mowing and pruning be carried out prior to your activity.

Other conditions may apply, these conditions will be advised at the time of booking.

Exclusive Use of Parks and Reserves

If you wish to apply for exclusive use of a Park or Reserve you will be required to lodge your application at least six months in advance, as your request is subject to approval at a Council meeting.

Booking does not guarantee exclusive use, nor will additional maintenance outside routine cleaning, mowing and pruning be carried out prior to your activity.

You will also need to submit a Traffic Management Plan.

Council parks and reserves which have playgrounds are not included in Exclusive Use requests. If you would like to include playgrounds within Exclusive Use requests.

Exclusive use fees and charges will apply, details can be obtained by contacting Council on (02) 4560 4444.


Who mows the grass?

Most of Council’s parks and reserves, pedestrian laneways, cemeteries and road side slashing are mown by a combination of Council staff and contractors. All sports grounds are mown by contractors working for Hawkesbury Sports Council.

Where does Council mow?

  • all park land
  • sports fields
  • cemeteries
  • some nature strips - Council will slash one slasher width from the edge of the seal in rural areas where needed to ensure adequate vehicle sight distance.

How often is each site mown?

Council aims for a two to three week turn around for all mowing in urban areas, with the frequency changing to suit the season and growth patterns of the grass. This is subject to weather conditions and other priorities. High profile areas such as Council Regional Parks are mown more frequently.

Mowing of parks in outlying areas and the slashing of rural road verges are undertaken as required.

Sports grounds are generally mown more frequently than park areas in order to meet the requirements of the particular groups using the grounds. An example is that the grass is cut shorter in summer for cricket than in winter for soccer and rugby.

How often is a park mown in wet weather?

Access to grass areas may not be possible for mowing equipment after periods of rain, as it can damage the turf or become bogged. Sites can also become slippery and unsafe for equipment operators.

The combination of rain and warm weather also encourages faster grass growth, compounding the problem. If visits are missed due to wet weather, attempts are made to make up the visit at a later date. If rain continues, this may not be possible and the site may not be visited until the next scheduled visit.

What equipment is used to maintain the grass?

Staff operate a variety of equipment including ride-on mowers, hand mowers and whipper-snippers. Tractor mowers are used for the ‘broadacre’ mowing and road side slashing.

Due to the small size of the Parks Department, our priority in the growing season is to mow a park and then move on to the next one. When time allows and/or in the cooler months, whipper-snippers are used to tidy edges. Blowers are used when needed to clear pathways of any grass clippings.

What does Council not mow?

Council does not mow residential footpaths. Council relies on the goodwill of property owners and occupiers to maintain the grassed footpaths and nature strips in front of private, commercial or industrial property. This allows ratepayer funds to be better directed to other community services.


Council and the Hawkesbury Sports Council have a regular spraying program for broad leaf weeds, including bindis, as well as spraying along fence lines and edges to help with our mowing programs.

In relation to the management of general park land, due to the large number of parks and reserves within the Hawkesbury area, not all reserves can be sprayed for broad leaf weeds. Priorities go to regional and district parks.

All spraying is in accordance to Council’s ‘Pesticide Notification Plan’.

Pesticide Notification Plan

This pesticide use notification plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Regulation 1995 (the Regulation).

In accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Amendment (Notification) Regulation 2005, Hawkesbury City Council is required to develop a Pesticides Notification Plan. This was developed in 2006 and Council staff reviewed the plan in 2010, 2016 and 2021. The most recent plan was placed on exhibition for 28 days and adopted by Council on 9 November 2021.

The plan sets out how Hawkesbury City Council will notify members of the community of pesticide applications it makes or allows to be made to public places that it owns or controls. Pesticides includes chemicals such as: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, termicides & rodenticides.

The Plan which covers the Hawkesbury Local Government Area can be viewed, free of charge at Council Offices, 366 George Street, Windsor during business hours or may be viewed from the link at the bottom of this page.

Pesticide Use Notification Plan (pdf 280KB)

Weed Spraying

Weed & Insecticide Spraying Regime.

Both Council and the Hawkesbury Sports Council have a regular spraying program for broad leaf weeds, including bindis, as well as spraying along fence lines and edges to help with our mowing programs.

Insecticides are also used as required.

All spraying is in accordance to Council’s ‘Pesticide Notification Plan’. For further information on the pesticide Notification Plan, please see Pesticide Notification Plan above.

Council will be undertaking spraying in the following locations




The following sports field will be sprayed for broadleaf weeds Wednesday 5th March, 2025

The herbicides that will be sprayed are - SPEARHEAD

  • Oakville Oval

It should be noted that weed & insecticide spraying are subject to weather conditions and signage will be displayed at the ground on the day.

In the event of changes being made to the spraying regime, this page will be updated accordingly.  Further details can be obtained by contacting Hawkesbury Sports Council on 4578 8504 or

Other maintenance

Council carries out other maintenance works in parks and reserves throughout the year, such as:

  • playground maintenance of Councils 63 playgrounds
  • maintenance of Council’s roadside/car park garden beds
  • minor repairs to Council assets around public open space
  • Tree maintenance (for further information click here)
Public litter bins

Public litter bins in parks, reserves and town centres are emptied on a scheduled program ranging from seven days a week to once a week, depending on their location.

Public litter bins in high-use areas (such as those in the main shopping strips of Windsor, Richmond and South Windsor) are also emptied on Saturdays and Sundays.

Public toilets

Council provides around 36 public toilet facilities and 23 sporting toilet facilities across the City. Scheduled cleaning of public toilets varies from daily to once weekly (Monday to Friday) depending on their location.

High-use toilets (e.g. Ham Common, Richmond Park) are also cleaned on the weekends and public holidays.

To locate a public toilet in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area or for information on public toilets throughout Australia, please visit the National Public Toilet MapThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window. This map provides accessibility details and opening hours for all public toilets.

To report a damaged or vandalised Council toilet or one that requires cleaning, please contact Council’s Customer Service Section on (02) 4560 4444.

Report damage to trees, park toilets and park equipment

Make a customer request through the Council website or contact Council to report damage in a park, including:

  • dead, diseased or fallen trees
  • damage to seats, tables, barbecues, water fountains and playground equipment
  • dumping of rubbish
  • graffiti
  • used needles and syringes, and
  • toilets facilities not working.

To report an urgent issue, such as a fallen or hanging branch which is dangerous, contact Council on (02) 4560 4444.

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