Land Management Plans
Hawkesbury City Council prepares Plans of Management for the following classifications of open space:
- Community Land (in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993)
- Crown Land (in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2016)
What are Plans of Management?
An essential management tool, Plans of management:
- Are co-ordinated by Council in consultation with the community
- Identify the important features of the land
- Clarify how Council will manage the land, and in particular
- Indicate how the land may be used or developed
A plan of Management may be site specific, it may cover a number of parks within a locality, or it may be a generic plan that covers many parcels of land with a similar trait or character – for example, a natural area, sports ground or general park.
What is the process for developing a Plan of Management?
- Community Engagement – consultation with park neighbours, user groups, aboriginal groups and general members of the community is undertaken by a variety of means and may include a meeting, workshop, drop-in session and/or an online survey.
- Development of a Draft Plan of Management document that considers community feedback. A Masterplan may also be included which illustrates the proposed future development of the park.
- Consideration and approval of the Draft Plan of Management by Council (and Minister for Crown Lands if required).
- Public Exhibition of the draft Plan of Management for a period of at least 42 days. Following receipt of submissions, Council analyses the submissions received and a report is tabled
- Revise the Plan if required, based on submissions received. If major changes are made, the process goes back to step 3.
- Council adopts Final Plan of Management. The Plan is made available to the public
- Monitor and Review Plan and implement where funds permit
Which Open Spaces have Plans of Management?
Completed Park Plans of Management
Completed Conservation Management Plans / Cultural Heritage Reports
Vegetation Management Plans
Generic Plans of Management for Community Lands
The Community Land Generic Plans of Management outline the permitted uses and activities within the parks and reserves not already covered by a site specific or locailty plan. They outline the management actions that Council will endeavour to undertake.
Four Generic Plans of Management have been developed in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. These Plans address management issues and strategies for parks and reserves that fall into the categories of Natural Area, Sportsground, Park and General Community Use.
The common appendices for the above plans can be found below:
(Note these files are large and may take some time to download)
For further information please contact the Parks and Recreation section:
- By mail: PO Box 146,Windsor NSW 2756
- By email: council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Page ID: 158677