Bushcare Volunteer
Volunteers are vital to the continuing success of Council's Bushcare efforts.
Bushcare groups are active within the Kurrajong/Kurrajong Heights, Bowen Mountain, Wisemans Ferry, North Richmond/Grose Vale and Glossodia/ Ebenezer/Lower Portland areas.
You can join a group that is already formed or start your own group to undertake bush regeneration and re-vegetation programs.
No experience is necessary as all necessary training will be provided by Council.
Without volunteers, the amount of bushland regenerated per year would be significantly less.
Anyone can become involved in Bushcare, the only requirement is for you to make contact with Council.
Complete the following form:
Registration of Interest to become a Bushcare Volunteer
Return the form via email: council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or post to:
The Community Bushcare Officer
Hawkesbury City Council
P.O. Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756
For more information call Council's Community Bushcare Officer on: (02) 4560 4525.
Page ID: 162147