Bushcare is the general name given to environmental programs in which the community is involved in managing and maintaining remnant bushland in local areas.
Remnant vegetation is the original native flora, usually indigenous to an area, which needs to be protected and expanded to conserve native plants and provide native animals with vital food and shelter.
Many plants and animals are now considered rare or endangered because so much bushland has been destroyed by urban expansion and agricultural development. The remaining patches of remnant vegetation are vital in the conservation of many species and vegetation communities. Preservation of remnants can also enhance residents' quality of life.
Hawkesbury City Council manages over 1500 hectares of native bushland in 61 different parks and reserves.
Council's bushland management program aims to reduce or eliminate the adverse impacts of urban development whilst restoring or conserving native plant and animal communities. Natural areas in the region include:
- forests
- woodlands
- wetlands
- creeks
- rainforests
- watercourses
- riverbanks
- roadsides
- private property
Their special values may include habitat for small native animals, birds, scenic beauty, green space, improvement of water quality, shade and a quiet resting space for relaxation.
As a community-based program, Bushcare is an integral part of the management of our bushland. It provides the opportunity to meet other residents and feel a sense of satisfaction in seeing the rehabilitation of a natural area. In addition to the works being carried out by Council staff and professional contractors, volunteers are making significant contributions to the conservation and management of these valuable areas. Participants are provided with direction and technical advice including training, tools, signage for work sites, rubbish removal, newsletters and the use of a community nursery to propagate native plants.
See our video promo on our Bushcare volunteers
For Local Bushcare groups throughout the Hawkesbury; from Kurrajong to Lower Portland from Windsor to Wisemans Ferry; check out the Bushcare Calendar for a group near you.
As part of the Hawkesbury Bushcare Program, the Hawkesbury Community Nursery is available for use by Hawkesbury residents to produce native plants for non-profit purposes such as for environmental restoration plantings, private gardens and for community projects like Bushcare, Landcare, School and Scout Groups. All schools in the Hawkesbury Local Government area get 4 free native plants (forestry tube size) of their choice every year from the Hawkesbury Community Nursery. Contact the Nursery Officer for more details.
Bushcare Events
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