Council Contracts Register
The Register of Council Contracts contains information for Hawkesbury City Council current contracts greater than $150,000 in accordance with The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
The Class 1 register contains contracts over $150,000.
The Class 2 register are those Class 1 contracts that had not been to tender, or the tender conditions were substantially altered, or the contract could continue for 10 or more years.
The class 3 register contains Class 2 contracts likely to be greater than $5 million.
Disclosure Log
The Government Information Public Access Act requires Council to publish a Disclosure Log that records information sought under formal access rights. The Disclosure Log details all applications received by Hawkesbury City Council since 1 July 2010
Planning Decisions
Register of Planning Decisions - kept in accordance with Section 375A of the Local Government Act 1993.
Under this provision the General Manager is required to keep a public register of planning and development decisions made at Council or Committee meetings, and record the name of Councillors who voted for and against the decisions. A copy of registers is provided below:
Returns of the Interests of Councillors and Designated Persons
2022/2023 Financial Year
Disclosure of interests lodged within three months of becoming a designated person – Clause 4.21(a) of the Code of Conduct
Disclosure of interests in written returns lodged within three months of 30 June – Clause 4.21(b) of the Code of Conduct
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee members
2021/2022 Financial Year
Disclosure of interests in written returns lodged within three months of becoming a Councillor - Clause 4.21(a) of the Code of Conduct
Disclosure of interests in written returns lodged within three months of 30 June - Clause 4.21(b) of the Code of Conduct
General Manager and Executive Branch
Disclosure of interests in written returns lodged within three months of becoming aware of an undisclosed interest - Clause 4.21(c) of the Code of Conduct
2020/2021 Financial Year
General Manager and Executive Branch
2019/2020 Financial Year
Public Delegations
Here is a link to the register of delegations from the General Manager to Hawkesbury City Council staff.
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