Traffic Management for Special Events
Over the last few years, events either conducted within the public road network or impacting on that network, have fallen under the regulations outlined in the "Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events" (GTTM) issued by the Roads and Maritime Services - RMS (formerly known as the RTA).
A special event (in traffic management terms) is defined in the GTTM by the RMS as follows.
A special event (in traffic management terms ) is any planned activity that is wholly or partly conducted on a road, requires multiple agency involvement, or partly conducted on a road, requires multiple agency involvement requires special traffic management arrangements and may involve large numbers of participants and/or spectators. Examples are marathons, fun runs, cycling events, parades, marches and street market day. The definition also applies to events conducted in their own venue (such as sports, cultural and recreational events) if the event requires special traffic management arrangement and multiple agency support.
To facilitate consideration of Traffic Management for special event applications, Council at its meeting held on May 2005 resolved to implement a process as per the documents below.
- Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events - Information Package - Version 4.1 (June 2015)
- Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events - Form A: Initial Approval Application Form
- Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events - Form B: Initial Approval Application Checklist
- Traffic and Transport Management For Special Events - Form C: Final Approval Application Form
RMS - Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events (GTTM & RMS Application Form); This is a joint publication by RMS, Local Government Association of NSW and the NSW Police.
For more Information please refer to Transport NSW www.transport.nsw.gov.au
Please use the links below to access these documents:
Your co-operation in complying with the procedures for Traffic Management to hold a Special Event in the future is appreciated.
Should you have any queries regarding the special event application procedure, information and time frame requirements please contact Council's Event Team 02 4560 4444.
Please note that the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has been renamed as Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) although documentation and web links still refer to RMS/RTA.
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