Hawkesbury Events Sponsorship
Are you hosting an event in the Hawkesbury?
Hawkesbury City Council is committed to supporting the community to host public events to ensure they are safe, successful and well-run.
Events in the Hawkesbury create the opportunity to build:
- Community – involvement and participation
- Capacity – the ability to self organise and develop resilience in the community
- Connections – social cohesion across communities and local businesses
Council is looking to assist events that highlight Hawkesbury’s heritage, celebrate our river, enhance our town centres, assist towns and villages to become local hubs, create cultural experiences, promote and assist tourism and that create community and business connections.
View our helpful event guide here
What is your event classification?
Community event – An event that does not make a profit.
Commercial event – An event that does make a profit
Read our Event Sponsorship Policy
In 2024 Council adopted a new Events Sponsorship Policy. Please review this prior to applying for Sponsorship via our policy register (search - events sponsorship policy) - Policy Register
Read our Event Strategy
Hawkesbury City Council has an Events Strategy which identifies how Council will attract, partner, access, fund, produce, promote and approve events in the Hawkesbury.
The Events Strategy delivers a transparent framework for Council to determine funding and other assistance for events, based on a clear set of objectives and criteria. As part of the Events Strategy Council has developed an:
- Eligibility Criteria – Council will only support event applications that meet the Criteria in the Eligibility Criteria. It is recommended event applicants review this Criteria and ensure that their event meets the Criteria guidelines.
- Special Events Criteria - Council has recently introduced a new special event criteria for significant events that meet one or more of the following:
- Regionally Significant with attendance typically >50,000 people
- Outstanding long term (>20 Years) contribution to social, cultural, economic factors
- Provide demonstrated support to the local economy by recognising small business excellence
- Assessment Criteria Matrix – Council will assess each event against the Assessment Criteria Matrix to provide objectivity and a guide to applicant’s about the criteria Council will be using when making a decision about whether to support the event. It is recommended event applicants review the Assessment Matrix Criteria and associated information to ensure their event scores as highly as possible on the Matrix.
- Event Evaluation Framework – After an event Council will evaluate the event against the Event Evaluation Framework to identify opportunities for continuous improvement. It is recommended Event Evaluation Framework be reviewed to ensure event applicants understand the goals of Council when preparing for future events.
How to apply for Council Event Sponsorship
The Council Event Sponsorship Applications for Round 2 is open from 1 February 2025 to 28 February 2025.
Council has two rounds of Event Sponsorship Applications each financial year.
Your application will not be eligible:
- If you have received event sponsorship from Council in Round 1 of the same financial year, you are not eligible to apply for funding in round 2.
- If your event has occurred prior to the closure of the current round of event sponsorship, your application will not be accessed.
Event Applicants will be advised if they are successful in their application for sponsorship for their event once all applications have been reviewed and a determination is made by Council.
1. Complete the event application form - Event Sponsorship Form
2. Complete your Sustainability checklist - Event Sustainability Checklist
You will receive a copy of your application via email once you complete the online form.
Fill out the Event Sponsorship Acquittal Form
Once your event is complete, you will be required to fill out our event sponsorship acquittal form - Acquittal Form
This must be completed within 2 weeks of your event occurring.
Incoming Sponsorship
If you're a business that would like to sponsor one of our upcoming events, please refer to our Event Sponsorship Policy.
Contact the Events Team
If you have any questions regarding event sponsorship, please call us on 4560 4444 and ask for the Events Team.
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