Address the HLPP

Members of the public are invited to address the Panel on items in the Business Paper during the Panel's public meetings, which will be held by audio-visual link or in the Council Chambers.

  • Any part of the meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded
  • Hawkesbury City Council does not accept liability for any defamatory remarks or inappropriate comments that are made during the course of a meeting
  • There is no opportunity for members of the public to address the Panel relating to Planning Proposal items. Members of the public are able to address Council about the Planning Proposal when the advice of the Panel is reported to an Ordinary Council meeting.

To address the meeting, you must register to speak before 3pm on the day before the meeting. You will need to apply via following online form:

Persons wishing to address Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel meetings must register as set out below. Speaks shall be limited to 3 minutes to address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel. Alternatively, registered speakers can send to Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel a written submission which will be read during the meeting for up to 3 minutes. Written submissions must be sent to by 3pm the day before the meeting.

Council will continue to livestream Panel Meetings .

Registered Speakers

The day before the meeting registered speakers will be contacted no later than 5.00pm. If you have not been contacted by 5pm on Wednesday, the day before the meeting please contact Council's Manager Corporate Services and Governance on (02) 4560 4426.

Application to Address a Meeting

Members of the public may address the Panel on any items in the business paper, please provide the following details to complete your application.

Personal Details
(No white spaces and symbols are accepted)
Are you a resident/ratepayer of the City? *
Best Contact Method *
(Only JPG and PDF file types are accepted and files size must not exceed 5MB in total)
I will be speaking *
Terms and Conditions for addressing the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel by the public

Hawkesbury City Council actively encourages participation of residents in the decision making process and is happy to hear from people regarding matters raised in the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel Business Paper.

Members of the public may address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel on any items in the business paper.

The procedure for addressing the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel is as follows:

  1. All persons wishing to speak on an item in the business paper must make an application to do so. Each speaker is required to complete an application form indicating whether they are speaking 'for' or 'against' a recommendation on the business paper.

    The application form will include an undertaking, signed by the person wishing to speak, to comply with their stated intention, i.e. to speak either 'for' or 'against a recommendation in the business paper' and to refrain from any insult, allegation or personal reflection against any person, present or not, during the course of their address to the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel and any answers they give to questions from the Panel Members.

    Persons intending to apply for approval to address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel must lodge the application form online/email, in person, or by facsimile, by 3pm on the day before the meeting to enable scheduling of items. Persons without access to online or facsimile facilities may contact Council by telephone to discuss their application to speak at the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel meeting.

    Notwithstanding the above, the applicant/owner or nominated representative is entitled to speak if an application is made in accordance with these guidelines and will be granted permission as one of the three positions allocated either 'for' or 'against' depending upon the terms of the recommendation.

  2. A maximum of three speakers 'for' and three speakers 'against' a recommendation may address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel to support their position. The proponent or applicant, supporters or other interested parties to a maximum of three are given five minutes each to address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel.
  3. All speakers must state their name, organisation if applicable and their interest in the matter before speaking.
  4. Items subject to public address will be heard in the order as outlined in the Business Paper.
  5. At meetings where applications for more than 20 speakers have been received, a person should speak only on one item unless granted permission by the Chairperson who will have regard to the circumstances of each case taking into account such factors as the nature of the interest in the matter e.g. applicant, neighbour, and the number of speakers on the item or collectively on the agenda.
  6. Panel Members may ask questions of members of the public who address the Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel in order to clarify their understanding of the speaker’s view or to seek specific additional information.

The application form can be lodged:

  • In person at Council’s Customer Service Counter at the Hawkesbury City Council Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor;
  • By post, addressed to:
    The General Manager
    Hawkesbury City Council
    PO Box 146
    WINDSOR NSW 2756
  • By email to

Please carefully read the second page of the form for detailed information about addressing the meeting.

For any further enquiries relating to addressing a Panel meeting, please contact Council's Manager Corporate Services and Governance (02) 4560 4426.

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