Open Access Information
Information currently available to the public free of charge by way of open access (other than for photocopying):
- Access to Information Policy
- Annual Reports and Financial Statements
- Approvals, orders and other open access information (please contact the Governance Section on (02) 4560 4661)
- Building Certificates
- Code of Conduct
- Code of Meeting Practice
- Community Strategic Plan
- Contribution Plans (please contact the Governance Section on (02) 4560 4661)
- Council Business Papers & Minutes
- Development Control Plan
- Delegations Register
- Delivery Program
- Disclosure Log
- EEO Management Plan
- Environmental Planning Instruments
- Graffiti Register
(please contact the Governance Section on (02) 4560 4661) - Information about Council contained in any document tabled in Parliament by or on behalf of the Council other, other than any document tabled by order of either House of Parliament
(None tabled) - Land Register
(please contact the Governance Section on (02) 4560 4661) - Leases and licenses of community land
- Management Plan
- Open Access Information Not Released
- Operational Plan
- Model Code of Conduct prescribed under section 440 (1) of the Local Government Act (see Department of Local Government Website)
- Plans of Management for Community Lands
- Policy concerning the payment of expenses incurred by, and the provision of facilities to Councillors
- Register Of Contracts
- Register of Investments
- Register of Planning Decisions - kept in accordance with Section 375A of the LGA
- Reports to Council of any investigation made under Section 433 of the LGA
(No reports issued) - Returns of the interests of Councillors, designated persons and delegates
(Note: Returns are available for inspection during business hours by appointment with Council’s Manager, Corporate Service and Governance on (02) 4560 4426)
Open Access Information Not Released
Open access information not released by Hawkesbury City Council due to an overriding public interest against disclosure. As Hawkesbury City Council makes decisions about open access information that may not be disclosed due to an overriding public interest, it will publish this information on this website.
Log of Information not released
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), when deciding whether or not to release information, government agencies must consider whether there is an overriding public interest against releasing the information. For more information on how government agencies apply the public interest test when determining whether or not to release information, access a special fact sheet on this topic from the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website
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