Customer Service Experience
What you can expect from us
Council is committed to delivering a quality customer service experience that is consistent, accurate, efficient, effective, solutions-focused, responsive and delivered in ways that are professional, respectful, inclusive and uphold the rights of all customers.
Council defines customer service as the task or query on behalf of a customer and customer experience as the perception or feeling a customer has during and after they interact with Council. Although distinct, Council views both customer service and customer experience as one core responsibility known as delivering a ‘customer service experience’.
Underpinning Council’s Customer Service Experience (CSX) is our holistic approach Framework. Refer to our Customer Service Experience Charter for more information.
Our Customer Service Experience Policy outlines the principles that drive, inform and direct staff on how to interact and connect with customers to ensure they effectively contribute to a quality customer service experience within minimum standards.
Our Commitment to you
Council aims to deliver a customer service experience that has the following drivers and outcomes. Refer to our Customer Service Experience Charter for more information.
Response Times
There are a number of ways you can contact Council to make an enquiry, request a service or provide feedback.
Visit us
Call us
Write to us
Social Media
Our Service Standards in our Customer Service Experience Charter provide timeframes for each of the services we provide from repairing footpaths to emptying bins.
Note: The service standard timeframes are in business days, are subject to change, and may be impacted upon by factors beyond Council’s control. These standards do not apply during the festive season office closure, public holidays or periods of emergency or natural disaster – there needs to be flexibility to ensure expectations are appropriately managed. Normal periods of operation refer to times when Council operations are not impacted by a disaster, emergency or crisis that affects their capabilities to deliver services as expected.
Help us to help you
To help us deliver high quality and efficient services, we ask you to:
- Treat us, other customers and community property with respect
- Provide us with information that is timely, accurate and complete and if appropriate, supply supporting documents, photos or videos
- Work with us to solve problems and reach resolution
- Contact us if you believe we have made an error or acted inappropriately
- Provide us with honest, constructive, and timely feedback
- Quote reference numbers when contacting us about an existing matter
- Raise an issue or request a service the right way by using Council’s request or feedback processes. Avoid using Snap Send Solve and Social Media as it adds additional steps to processing your request and delays your request from being resolved efficiently and effectively.
- Help shape Council services and our delivery program by providing input on community consultations, public exhibitions, and surveys.
Council has a zero-tolerance approach towards violent and abusive service interactions. Anyone found to be either violent or abusive may be refused service, asked to leave any one of our offices, buildings or sites or have their call terminated after an initial warning.
Feedback from you
We encourage complimentary or constructive feedback to monitor and improve our program delivery, services, processes, performance and conduct of Council staff and Councillors.
Council makes decisions that are consistent, fair and in line with Council policies and relevant legislation; this may result in Council making decisions you may disagree with. When providing the outcomes, we seek to do this in a way that is empathetic and understanding of your circumstances.
While most problems can be resolved quickly, there are times when detailed investigation is required. We will keep you informed of the progress if this is the case.
If you’re unsatisfied, we encourage customers to ask for a review of our handling of the matter. The review process will determine if we acted according to our policies and guidelines. Refer to the Customer Feedback Policy for more information.
How to contact us
We value our customers' time and are committed to offering a choice on how to interact with us.
Website and Online Services | Use our website and online services to do business with us at any time. |
Visit us in person | Council’s Customer Service Centre Address: 366 George Street, Windsor |
Call Centre | Phone: (02) 4560 4444 If calling outside of business hours a 24-hour emergency answering service is available, follow the prompts. |
Write to us |
Translation and Interpreter Services | The Australian Government, through the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, provides a Translating and Interpreting Service for non-English speakers and for English speakers needing to communicate with them.
Media Enquiries |
Councillors | Contact details for Hawkesbury Mayor and Councillors |
Community Satisfaction Survey Results Report
Our community survey measures customer satisfaction every two years. View the most recent community survey results.
Please contact our Corporate Planning & Performance Strategist if you have any questions.
Customer Service Experience Metrics
Council has developed a set of metrics which report on Council’s facilities, operations and functions. These metrics provide an indication of the customer service experience standards that are being experienced by rate payers and other customers when dealing with Council.
Council will be reporting on metrics for:
- Customer Service requests
- Development Applications
- Calls to Council’s Call Centre
These metrics will be reported quarterly.
Development Applications
Related Information
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