About Us
Hawkesbury City Council plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our region. We provide services and facilities to more than 67,000 residents living in urban and rural communities spread across an area of 2,800 square kilometres making us the largest local government area in metropolitan NSW.
The Hawkesbury takes its name from the Hawkesbury River, which flows through our boundaries. Within the Hawkesbury there are four river valleys, fertile flood plains and wetlands, hills, ridges and gorges.
The Traditional Owners and Custodians of our land are the Darug and Darkinjung people. We pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and emerging and acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First People of this country.
In 1810, Governor Macquarie established five towns in the area - Windsor, Richmond, Wilberforce, Pitt Town and Castlereagh. There are now 65 rural and hinterland towns and villages located in the City with the main centres being Windsor, Richmond and North Richmond.
The region has a long agricultural history and the area currently leads production in vegetables, cultivated turf, poultry, meat and eggs.
Within the Hawkesbury there is a high security RAAF aviation facility which sits alongside an education precinct. We have a strong agricultural, equine and tourism industry.
The structure of Hawkesbury City Council consists of a General Manager and three Directors each in charge of specific areas of Council's day to day operations.
The organisational structure diagram shows the lines of accountability. All staff are ultimately accountable through the General Manager to the Council and the Council is accountable to the citizens of Hawkesbury. The Council comprises 12 elected people called Councillors. The local government area is not divided into wards therefore each Councillor represents the whole of the Hawkesbury. Council elections are held every four years.
Council’s annual budget is over $70 million.
Corporate Publications
Our community has a strong vision for the future of the Hawkesbury and together has determined the key goals for our city which are documented in the Community Strategic Plan, The Hawkesbury 2036…It’s Our Future.
In addition to the Community Strategic Plan, or Council’s ‘future plan’ we have a number of corporate publications to enable our community to monitor services and programs successfully delivered in line with goals and objectives.
The publications can be found in their entirety below.
Corporate Partnerships
Council have a number of corporate partnerships:
Sister Cities
The Sister City program began in the USA in 1956. Today, Australian cities and towns have over 500 sister city affiliations throughout the world.
We have two Sister City partnerships.
Temple City, California, USA
- Partnership began in 1984
- The city is located in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
Kyotamba, Kyoto, Japan
- Partnership began in 1988
- The city is located in the heart of Japan's most historical preference Kyoto and has an agricultural base similar to the Hawkesbury.
Country City Alliance
A City- Country alliance was developed between Council and Council’s in rural areas to promote a greater awareness and understanding of different areas and lifestyles
- Partnership began in 2008 with Cabonne Council and Weddin Shire Council
- The partnerships have been developed to allow individuals from each region to experience the differences and advantages of rural and city locations
Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Council (WSROC)
- Council is one of eight Council’s represented by the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC).
- WSROC represents Council and the Greater Western Sydney's growing population.
- WSROC manages projects that are funded jointly by the member councils or funded externally and prepares join resources and information that can be shared across the eight councils
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