Planning Proposals and Draft Local Environmental Plans
The process for creating a new Local Environmental Plan or amending an existing Local Environmental Plan is governed by the Department of Planning and Environment. This process is known as the Gateway Process.
Planning Proposal (LEP005/14) - Lot 2 DP 600414, 2 Invervary Drive, Kurmond
Hawkesbury City Council is exhibiting a planning proposal affecting Lot 2 DP 600414, 2 Inverary Drive, Kurmond (the subject site). The objective of the planning proposal is to enable the subdivision of the subject site into 36 lots with minimum lot sizes of not less than 2,000m2 and 2ha. The planning proposal aims to achieve this intended outcome by amending the Lot Size Map of Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 to change the minimum lot size for subdivision of the subject site to 2,000m2 and 2ha.
Planning Proposal (LEP003/15) – Draft General Amendments to the Hawkesbury LEP 2012
Council is exhibiting a planning proposal (LEP003/15) affecting certain land within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area.
The proposed amendments are generally procedural (housekeeping) as it relates to matters such as updating general wording and referencing; amending the LEP due to provisions of State Planning Policies; changes to minimum lot size provisions; site specific rezoning and land classifications; and correcting some minor drafting and mapping errors.
The proposed amendments also include the addition of certain land uses as permissible development in the RU1 Primary Production, RU2 Rural Landscape, RU4 Primary Production Small Lots, RU5 Village, R1 General Residential, R2 Low Density Residential, R3 Medium Density Residential, R5 Large Lot Residential and E3 Environmental Management & E4 Environmental Living zones.
Planning Proposal (LEP006/14) - Lot 1 DP 120436, 631 Bells Line of Road Kurrajong
Hawkesbury City Council is exhibiting a planning proposal affecting Lot 1 DP 120436, 631 Bells Line of Road Kurrajong (the subject site). The objective of the planning proposal is to amend Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 (the LEP) to enable subdivision of the subject site into 10 large residential lots and one road lot that provides access to the proposed residential lots with two different minimum lot sizes of not less than 4,000m2 and 1ha.
Planning Proposal - Lots 1 and 2 DP 700263, Lot C DP 160847, Lot 2 DP 629053, Lot 3 DP 700263, Lot F DP 164199, 120 - 188 Hawkesbury Valley Way, Clarendon
This Planning Proposal aims to amend Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 to allow development of the majority of the land as a business park and bulky goods premises. Lots 1 and 2 DP 700263, Lot C DP 160847, Lot 2 DP 629053, Lot 3 DP 700263, Lot F DP 164199.
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