Planning Agreements
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreements
21 Hall Street, Pitt Town
Council is exhibiting a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (draft VPA) that will apply to Lot 12 DP 1021340, 21 Hall Street, Pitt Town.
The draft VPA is complementary to a Development Application (Council reference DA0832/14) for the staged subdivision of the subject land to create 11 residential allotments and one open space allotment.
The objective, nature and effect of the draft VPA is for the Developer to provide Council with a cash contribution of $13.57 per square metre of each residential allotment. The contributions collected by Council are to be expended on the provision of stormwater infrastructure including land acquisition, trunk drainage and basin construction.
The draft VPA, an Explanatory Note and other supporting documentation are on public exhibition 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday at the Council offices, 366 George Street, Windsor for the period Friday 13 May 2016 to Monday 13 June 2016 and can be viewed below or on Council’s online community engagement site.
Interested persons are invited to inspect the draft VPA, Explanatory Note and other supporting documentation. Written submissions concerning the provisions in the draft VPA may be made to Council throughout the abovementioned exhibition period. Submissions should be referenced “Lot 12 DP 1021340, 21 Hall Street, Pitt Town VPA” and can be posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756, faxed to (02) 4587 7740, or emailed to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au throughout the exhibition period.
The last day for the receipt of submissions is Monday 13 June 2016.
Please note confidentiality is not available to persons who make a submission. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the proponent where it may help to resolve issues raised in the submission. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council’s Access to Information policy and made available on Council’s website.
Any comments about this proposal may contain information that is personal information, such as information that identifies you, etc, for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1988. The inclusion of personal information with your submission is voluntary. However, if not provided Council will not be able to contact you about the proposed agreement. The information will be stored in Council's electronic records system and paper files. For your protection, Council recommends that you do not include defamatory comments in your submission.
If you have any enquiries please contact our Strategic Planning Co-ordinator on (02) 4560 4544.
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 1 DP 120436, 631 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong
Council is exhibiting a Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement that will apply to Lot 1 DP 120436, 631 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong.
The Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement is complementary to a proposed amendment to Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012 which will enable the subdivision of the subject site into three large rural residential lots with minimum lot sizes of 4Ha
The objective, nature and effect of the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement is for the developer to provide Council with a cash contribution of $30,000 for each additional residential lot created on the subject site. It is anticipated that contributions collected by Council will be expended on local and district infrastructure and facilities such as, but not necessarily limited to, cycleways, bus shelters, landscape and park embellishments and road improvements to serve the needs of the community as a consequence of the development.
The Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement, an Explanatory Note and other supporting documentation are on public exhibition 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday at the Council offices, 366 George Street, Windsor for the period Friday 11 December 2020 to Friday 15 January 2021 and can be viewed below or on Council’s online community engagement site www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au.
Interested persons are invited to inspect the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement, Explanatory Note and other supporting documentation. Written submissions concerning the provisions in the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement may be made to Council throughout the abovementioned exhibition period. Submissions should be referenced “Lot 1 DP 120436, 631 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong” and can be posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756, faxed to (02) 4587 7740, or emailed to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
The last day for the receipt of submissions is 15 Friday January 2021.
Please note confidentiality is not available to persons who make a submission. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the proponent where it may help to resolve issues raised in the submission. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council’s Access to Information policy and made available on Council’s website.
Any comments about this proposal may contain information that is personal information, such as information that identifies you, etc, for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1988. The inclusion of personal information with your submission is voluntary.
However, if not provided Council will not be able to contact you about the proposed agreement.
The information will be stored in Council's electronic records system and paper files. For your protection, Council recommends that you do not include defamatory comments in your submission.
If you have any enquiries please contact Karu Wijayasinghe, Senior Strategic Land Use Planner on (02) 4560 4546.
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement
Finalised Voluntary Planning Agreements
1420 Kurmond Road, Kurmond
396 Bells Line of Road, Kurmond
263 Windsor Street, Richmond
Redbank North Richmond
136 Longleat Lane, Kurmond
Page ID: 165553