Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024-2025
Minor Maintenance/Conservation Works to Heritage Listed Properties within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area
The Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024/2025 is jointly funded by Hawkesbury City Council and Heritage NSW. The program recognises the importance of conserving, protecting and caring for heritage listed properties within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area. Effective maintenance/conservation of heritage buildings/properties is the key to ensuring longevity, and well-maintained heritage buildings/ properties retain their originality and heritage significance for longer periods.
The main focus of the Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024/2025 is to provide funding assistance for the preservation and/or maintenance of Hawkesbury’s unique and significant early settlement timber slab barns and outbuildings within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area. Projects for minor maintenance/conservation of other heritage items may also be considered as part of this year’s program should funding permit.
Council is inviting applications from owners or managers of local heritage listed properties or properties that have the potential for local or State heritage listing within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area for grant funding assistance under the Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024/2025.
A pool of grant funds will be provided to support the 2024/2025 Local Heritage Assistance Grant Funding program and will be distributed to projects on a merits-based system of critical need and best outcomes for the preservation of the heritage item.
Whilst funding will be offered to successful applicants on a dollar-for-dollar basis ($1 of grant funding for each $1 of private funding) consideration may be given to funding projects without
a co-contribution from the applicant where the applicant can demonstrate the critical need for preservation of the heritage item, and co-contribution funds are unavailable due to financial hardship.
The deadline for applications is Sunday, 9 March 2025.
The Application Form for the Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024–2025 and the Guidelines for Applicants - Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024–2025can be accessed via the following links. These links also include examples of previous projects completed under the Local Heritage Assistance Fund:
Application Form – Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024–2025
Guidelines for Applicants - Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024–2025
Examples of Projects from previous Hawkesbury Local Heritage Assistance Funding
Please ensure the required documentation is lodged with your completed application.
If you have any enquiries in respect of the Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024–2025, or if you would like free heritage conservation advice by appointment, please contact Council’s Senior Heritage Officer on (02) 4560 4444 or email to: council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Page ID: 191101