Hawkesbury Community Based Heritage Study

Hawkesbury City Council is undertaking a Community Based Heritage Study with the assistance of funding from NSW Heritage.

The Heritage Study is investigating the history of the Hawkesbury Local Government Area. It will identify and assess potential items and places of heritage significance that demonstrate this history. The study will explain why the items are significant and recommend ways to manage and conserve this significance.  The Heritage Study will contain:

  • A history of the Hawkesbury
  • Research and fieldwork describing identified heritage items
  • A condition survey for each heritage item identified during the study
  • Summary inventory sheets for each significant heritage item, including a heritage assessment and statement of significance
  • Study-wide and specific heritage-item management and promotional recommendations.
The Heritage Study will provide information to support:
  • The community’s sense of identity – including its beginnings, the present and its potential; it can also be used to welcome new residents to the local community
  • Future management of heritage items
  • Education programs to raise awareness about the community’s heritage assets, for better understanding and appreciation
  • Community engagement and a sense of ownership of the area’s heritage assets
  • Heritage tourism strategies that can generate local business
  • Targeting a range of special heritage places which council can support and promote to visitors

If you have information relating to the history of the Hawkesbury whether it be general or specific to an existing or potential heritage listed property, Council would like to hear from you.

Please provide your information, photos or other relevant documentation to help us connect the Hawkesbury community to its heritage by completing the following details and attach your information or photos.

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Existing or Potential Heritage Property
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