Written Planning Advice
Council’s written planning advice service is available for those who require research and/or interpretation of Council planning documents, policies and/or consent history or want detailed written specific planning advice about single or multiple issues.
Note: There may be circumstances where Council is unable to provide the advice being sought for legal or other reasons and you will be required to obtain your own independent advice.
Request for Written Planning Advice Form
Applying for Written Planning Advice
Your request must be submitted using the Request for Planning Advice form . The completed form should contain sufficient detail and include any relevant documents to ensure the request is clear.
Fees are based on an hourly rate and are payable in accordance with Council’s adopted Fees and Charges. The minimum fee (1 hour) must be paid prior to the review of your request. Once your application has been reviewed a final fee quote will be provided which must be paid before the written advice is provided.
The request can be submitted in the following ways and Customer Service will contact you for payment:
- Email your request to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
- Post your request to: Hawkesbury City Council, P.O. Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756 or to: DX 8601 Windsor
- In Person you can submit your request at our Customer Service Centre at 366 George Street Windsor, between 9.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday
Page ID: 161022