Duty Officer Service
If you are seeking basic advice or information about development fees and charges, forms, checklists and how to research/find information on Council’s website including using Council’s online DA Tracker , Council’s Customer Service Team will generally be able to assist with your enquiry by calling 02 4560 4444.
If you have a general enquiry about a building or development matter that cannot be answered by our Customer Service Team you will be referred to one of Council’s other Development Advice Services, such as the Duty Officer Service.
The Duty Officer can assist you by
The Duty Officer is a planning professional who can help you identify the planning controls and policies that affect your property and explain the development application process. This service is for short enquiries and is free of charge.
The Duty Officer is unable to
The Duty Officer cannot guarantee that a site is suitable for development or advise what the development potential of a site would be.
As the scope of the service is limited, the Duty Officer is unable to:
- provide zoning information for a specific site (for assistance with identifying zoning, please refer to our section on zoning );
- confirm whether a property is able to be sub-divided or boundaries adjusted;
- confirm existing use rights, whether a consent has been secured or provide any legal advice;
- provide any insurance related, property investment or financial advice;
- confirm what approval process is required (exempt, complying or development application);
- review plans or provide merit advice about proposed works (Council has a formal Pre-Lodgement Advice Service that can be used for this purpose - fees apply); or
- provide specific advice about undetermined Development (or other) Applications that are currently under assessment. (These enquiries will be referred to the relevant Assessment Officer).
The Duty Officer is available as follows:
- Phone calls – During business hours you can phone our Customer Service Centre on (02) 4560 4444. Enquiries referred to the Duty Officer are generally responded to within 2 business days.
- Letters/Emails – You can send us written correspondence and we aim to respond within 10 working days of receiving your enquiry. If your written enquiry relates to a matter that is outside the scope of the duty officer service, Council will provide advice about our alternative fee for service options.
To assist Council deal with your enquiry efficiently, please ensure you provide:
- your name and contact details;
- the address and zoning of the property; and
- details about the nature of your enquiry and what information you require from Council.
Please note that Council will not accept any legal or other implied responsibility if you choose to make important financial or other decisions based on advice from Council’s Duty Officer Service, Customer Service staff or any other Council Officer, whether provided verbally or by email.
If your enquiry is outside the scope of the Duty Officer Service, Council offers two types of cost effective paid advice services, namely provision of formal pre-lodgement advice or a more general written planning advice service.
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