Plumbing and Drainage Inspections
All plumbing and drainage work carried out in the Hawkesbury City Council is required to comply with the Plumbing Code of Australia and Australian Standard AS/NZS 3500.
Plumbers and drainers working the Hawkesbury City Council Local Government Area (not including the Sydney Water sewered areas) must contact Hawkesbury City Council to book inspections for approved works, pay fees, submit documentation and for enquiries.
If you are unsure whether the land is serviced by Council’s sewer, Sydney Water or is unserviced please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4560 4444.
Note: The Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and Regulation provides that NSW Fair Trading is the single plumbing and drainage regulator for all on-site plumbing and drainage work in NSW. Fair Trading has delegated certain functions under this Act to Hawkesbury City Council for plumbing and drainage works within the Council area.
Documents and Forms
Plumbers and drainers are required to submit the following documents at certain stages of the work:
- Applications to connect to Council’s sewerage system, or install a system of on-site sewage management or amend connections
- Notice of Work is to be issued to Hawkesbury City Council no later than 2 business days before the work concerned is carried out.
- Certificate of Compliance is to be issued to Hawkesbury City Council and to the person for whom the work was carried out for, on completion of the final inspection.
- The final “works as executed” Sewer Service Diagram (SSD) is to be issued to Hawkesbury City Council and the owner of the land or the owner’s agent at the completion of the drainage works.
These documents are to be submitted to council at council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or posted to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, Windsor, NSW, 2756, if required.
What work requires a Notice of Work?
A Notice of Work is required for any plumbing installation downstream from the point of connection to a water supply and any sanitary plumbing or drainage work from the fixture to the point of connection with the local utility operator. The Notice of Work must be completed by the licensed plumber or drainer.
If the work is to be completed in stages and/or by different plumbers/drainers Council will require a different notice of work to be issued at the relevant stage by the plumber/drainer who has undertaken the work. A Notice of Work form can be downloaded here.
What is a Certificate of Compliance?
A Certificate of Compliance is a legal requirement. It confirms that a licensed plumber/drainer has undertaken work, which complies with current legislation and the relevant industry Codes and Standards. A Certificate of Compliance must be filled out for all completed plumbing and drainage work.
If the work is to be completed in stages and / or by different plumbers/drainers Council will require certificates of compliance to be issued at the relevant stage by the plumber / drainer who has undertaken the work. A Certificate of Compliance form can be downloaded here.
What is Sewer Service Diagram?
A Sewer Service Diagram is a layout of the on-site house service line from the fixtures to the point of connection or the property boundary. Requirements for Sewer Services Diagrams can be obtained here.
Do I need to request the Council to inspect plumber and drainage work?
Yes, Council requires inspections of all plumbing and drainage works. Council inspectors will inspect all works unless the Council inspector informs you otherwise. All work covered by a Notice of Work must be available for inspection (48 hours prior notice still required) by Council staff and passed by Council prior to the works being covered or completed and includes:
Type of Inspection: | Stage of Construction: |
Internal drainage | All internal drainage pipe work installed, including any required bedding material, and prior to backfilling. |
External drainage | Pipe work installed, septic tank installed or sewer connected (which ever applicable) and prior to backfilling. |
Stormwater drainage | Pipe work installed and prior to backfilling. NOTE: The Certifier for the job does the inspection, this could be the Private Certifier or the Council, please check before booking the inspection. |
Final inspection | Only conducted in areas with recycled water. |
Hot & Cold Water Service | Only conducted in areas with recycled water. |
What fees do I have to pay?
The fees applicable to plumbing and drainage works are specified in Council's adopted Fees and Charges.
To book an inspection, please contact Council's Customer Services on (02) 4560 4444 with the following information:
- Development Application number (if applicable)
- Type of inspection
- Date of inspection
- Plumber’s name, Licence Number and contact phone number
- Address of property to be inspected
- Gate Codes
You are advised:
- the booking should be made by the plumber or representative of the plumber at least 48 hours before the inspection is required with your preferred time
- work must be ready at the time of the inspection, otherwise Council may charge a re-inspection fee
- Council only inspects stormwater when they are the Certifying Authority.
Note: Tradewaste is expected to be installed as per Sydney Water's Guidelines,
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