Flood Advice

Flood Advice is a document which details information about the flood risk from riverine flooding associated with a property.

Flood advice will provide a flood planning level for a property, which is reported in metres to Australian Height Datum (AHD), and is generally used as the standard for determining appropriate floor levels for buildings to provide reasonable protection from flood waters.

Flood Advice also contains information in relation to the land levels associated with the property for which it is prepared. This information is sourced from Council's mapping system and as such the height details are approximate only. You will be required to arrange a survey by a registered surveyor to determine accurate ground levels of your land.

There are three options for Flood Advice as follows:

  • Flood Advice Basic - Document detailing flood risk associated with a property providing information relating to the adopted 1:100 ARI (average recurrent interval) flood level and estimated land levels.
  • Flood Advice Detailed - Document detailing Flood Event Levels, Likely Velocity, Hazard Categories and Hydraulic  Classification.
  • Flood Advice CDC - Document detailing Flood Event Levels, Likely Velocity.

To apply for Flood Advice, please complete an Application for Flood Advice and submit to Council by:

  • Email to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
  • Post to: Hawkesbury City Council, P.O. Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756 or to: DX 8601 Windsor.
  • In Person at our Customer Service Centre at 366 George Street Windsor, between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Customer Service will contact you to pay the associated fee before processing the application. Applied fees are found in Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule and on the Application for Flood Advice.

More Information:

Page ID: 161804

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