After You Have Approval
So you have your development approval! What’s next?
Review the Conditions
Receiving your approval is an exciting part of the development process, but in reality there will most likely be a few more steps before you can start your build.
Firstly, you must read your development consent. Your development consent will have contained a set of conditions which you have an obligation to ensure are met. It is important to read over these and ensure you and your builder understand and carry out work according to the development approval conditions.
If your proposal includes building or construction work, you will need to obtain a Construction Certificate (unless you have CDC).
Other Approvals You Need
If your proposal includes building or construction work, you will need to obtain a Construction Certificate before you can start any works (unless you have CDC).
A construction certificate confirms building plans comply with the Building Code of Australia, are 'not inconsistent' with the development consent, and comply with relevant conditions of the development consent.
Your development consent will also tell you if other approvals are required. There may be requirements for on-site sewage management system approval, or Compliance Certificates for reticulated water or sewerage supply.
In addition there may also be fees or contributions payable, and all of these matters may be required to be dealt with prior to a Construction Certificate being issued.
Appoint a Builder
You may need to sign a contract with a licenced builder. If so, you will need to confirm that the builder has appropriate insurance. You need to obtain a copy of the builders Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) for your proposal (only where it involves residential building work valued at $20,000 or more).
Owner Builders
If you want to supervise or do residential building work worth more than $10,000, and you're not contracting a licensed builder to supervise the work, you'll need an Owner/Builder Permit. For more information on applying for an Owner/Builder Permit go to Services NSW.
This HBCF insurance or Owner/Builder Permit is required to be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority and to Council when you notify Council of your intention to commence work (see more below).
Appoint a Principal Certifying Authority
You will need to appoint a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) before starting work. A PCA is either Council or a private Accredited Certifier who oversees the construction or subdivision process.
The PCA is a certifier that is required to be appointed to perform any required (or mandatory) inspections throughout the construction period at critical stages. The PCA's role is to ensure the development is completed in accordance with the conditions of the development consent, approved plans and documents, the Building Code of Australia and any associated restrictions listed on the title of the property. The PCA also issues the Occupation Certificate at the completion of the works.
To appoint Council as your PCA you will need to complete the Notice of Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority Form and forward to Council. If Council is not the PCA, Council must be advised who has been appointed as the PCA using the same form.
In addition, the NSW government requires there to be a contract in place between the person having the benefit of the development consent (typically the landowner) and the certifier before any certification wok is carried out. Certification work includes issuing Certificates (Complying Development Certificates, Construction Certificates, Compliance Certificates or Occupation Certificates) and carrying out inspections of work during the course of construction.
To download Council’s Certification Contract, please click here.
Notify Council Before Work Commences
You are required by law to notify Council at least two days before any works commence regardless of who has been appointed as the PCA. You can complete the Intention to Commence the Construction of a Building Form and forward to Council.
More Information:
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