Development Fees and Quotation

For any development project, costs can add up. When preparing an application for development you should consider all potential additional costs which may apply to your development.

For a Development Application these could include:

  • The DA fee, including the cost of referral to State Government agencies.
  • The Construction Certificate fee and fees incurred in the building process including for inspections, engineer’s certificates etc.
  • Development contributions payable for State and local services.
  • Conditions that may be imposed by council such as bonds to cover damage to roads, environmental clean ups, or dilapidation surveys of attached properties.
  • Water and other service connections.

A though we cannot provide an estimate for all the costs that will be associated with a proposed development, Council can provide a fee quotation in relation to application fees.

Fee Quotation

Application fees will vary depending on the nature and cost of works, notification requirements, and State legislated fee arrangements. Before you lodge an application it is recommended that you obtain a written fee quotation from Council to show the current fees and charges applicable.

So we can provide you with an accurate estimate the following details are required with your request:

  • Description of the development
  • Property address details
  • Type of approval/s being sought:
  • Development Application
  • Construction Certificate
  • Complying Development Certificate
  • Subdivision Construction Certificate
  • Subdivision Certificate
  • Modification of Consent
  • Review of Determination
  • Estimated cost of development (see below – What is the estimated cost of development?)
  • Integrated development approvals required (see below – Other Development Fees to Consider)

The request can be submitted by:

  • Email your request to
  • Post your request to: Hawkesbury City Council, P.O. Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756 or to: DX 8601 Windsor.
  • In Person you can submit your request at our Customer Service Centre at 366 George Street Windsor, between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
What is the Estimated Cost of Development?

When you submit an application for development, you are required to provide the estimated cost of the development. This cost includes all costs associated with the construction, fit out, demolition and/or works involved with the proposal.

It is important for this figure to be accurate as Council is required to calculate application fees based on this estimated cost. In addition, some contributions and levies (State and Local) payable in relation to a development are also based on this cost.

Council will accept an applicants' provided estimated cost of development unless it has been understated. If that is the case Council will request a contract quote showing an itemised list for the costs of the development. If it is found that the provided estimated cost of works have been understated, and your application fees are underpaid, the appropriate shortfalls in fees MUST be paid before any application is determined.

For more information see Council’s Estimated Cost Guide, Clause 225 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 identifies how a fee based on 'estimated cost' is determined, and Planning Circular PS13-002 provides advice to applicants on calculating the genuine estimated cost of development.

Other Development Fees to Consider

Integrated Development Fees

Under the planning laws, some development requiring consent from other agencies is classed as Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Integrated development applications are referred to the relevant agency (eg. Rural Fire Service) and any terms of approval required by the agency will be incorporated into the conditions of any development consent issued by Council.

Additional fees are required for integrated development and must be paid on lodgement of your application with Council, and through the NSW Planning Portal to the relevant agency.

Planning Reform Fee

Council's collect the Planning Reform Fund Fee (plan FIRST) on behalf of the NSW Government for building works or subdivisions that are estimated to have a value greater than $50,000. The fee is calculated as a percentage of the estimated development cost and is collected as a portion of the Development Application fee payable upon lodgement of an application.

Long Service Levy

If your proposal involves building work with a value of more than $25,000 you will need to pay the Building Industry Long Service Levy. You must pay this before the release of the Construction Certificate.

Further information may be found on the Long Service Levy website.

Development Contributions (Section 7.11, 7.12 and 64)

Development contributions are a levy charged against approved development under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The payments are collected by Council to go towards the capital cost of providing community facilities such as open space or other community infrastructure within the Hawkesbury local government area.

Should your proposal be subject to development contributions, this will be included as a condition in your development consent. Development contributions must be paid before construction is able to commence and usually before a Construction Certificate is issued.

The amount payable is determined in accordance with Council's adopted development contributions plans. The plans set out the circumstances in which a contribution can be imposed, the method for calculating the contributions and the program of works on which the contribution is to be spent. There is also typically an indexing rate that applies to the original levy amount after a period of time.

Sewer and Service Connection Fees

Depending on the location and type of development proposed, you may be required to pay additional application and/or connection fees to a service provider/authority for your area. The service provider may be Council or an external provider such as Sydney Water.

Depending on the location and nature of a development proposal, where development consent is provided, conditions of the consent may require:

  • a trade waste agreement
  • lodgement of an on-site sewer management facility application
  • a Section 306-Notice of Requirements or Section 307-Compliance Certificate to be obtained
  • a Section 73 Compliance Certificate be obtained
  • sewer inspection fees to be paid

For more information see Water and Sewerage.

More Information

For a list of Council's Fees and Charges see: Operational Plan - Fees & Charges

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