Complying Development

Complying Development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development.

Some small-scale residential, commercial and industrial development can be carried out as Complying Development where the development can:

  • satisfy the requirements and development standards outlined in the relevant policy or plan; and,
  • meet the requirements of the National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia).

Complying Developments provide for a faster approvals process:

  • 20 days for complying development which requires neighbour notification; or
  • 10 days for all other complying developments.

A complying development certificate for those types of development able to be carried out as complying development can be issued by either Council or a suitably accredited private certifier.

Which Planning Controls Do I Use?
Other approvals

As well as the requirements listed above, the following matters still apply:

  • adjoining owners’ property rights
  • common law rights
  • approvals, licences, permits from other agencies

The relevant agency should be contacted to determine whether any separate approvals or specific requirements apply prior to starting work.

An application for a Complying Development Certificate may be made to Council by completing a Complying Development Certificate Application or to an Accredited Certifier.

More Information:

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