Complying Development
Complying Development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development.
Some small-scale residential, commercial and industrial development can be carried out as Complying Development where the development can:
- satisfy the requirements and development standards outlined in the relevant policy or plan; and,
- meet the requirements of the National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia).
Complying Developments provide for a faster approvals process:
- 20 days for complying development which requires neighbour notification; or
- 10 days for all other complying developments.
A complying development certificate for those types of development able to be carried out as complying development can be issued by either Council or a suitably accredited private certifier.
Which Planning Controls Do I Use?
The following planning policies outline requirements for complying development.
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development) Codes 2008
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009
- Hawkesbury Local Environmental Plan 2012
For more information on what development is complying development under these policies, see Complying Development.
Other approvals
As well as the requirements listed above, the following matters still apply:
- adjoining owners’ property rights
- common law rights
- approvals, licences, permits from other agencies
The relevant agency should be contacted to determine whether any separate approvals or specific requirements apply prior to starting work.
An application for a Complying Development Certificate may be made to Council by completing a Complying Development Certificate Application or to an Accredited Certifier.
More Information:
- What is Complying Development? - NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
- Defining Complying Development - NSW Planning Portal
- Exempt and Complying Development Policy - For the most up to date information about changes to Exempt and Complying Development
- Complying Development - Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
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