Hire a meeting room
The Hawkesbury Library Service has available three indoor meeting spaces for hire that can be used for meetings, seminars, courses and workshops.
What’s provided:
- Kitchen - Kitchen contains plates and cutlery, dishwasher, domestic oven, stove top, fridge and microwave
- Air conditioning
- Onsite Parking
- Onsite mobility parking spaces located in the Deerubbin Centre
- Level access entrance
- Ambulant toilets
- Baby Change facilities
Deerubbin Centre
300 George Street, Windsor
Meeting Room Availability:
Monday to Sunday
9am to 10pm
Public holidays closed
For further information about the meeting rooms contact:
Senior Library Officer - Customer Services
Phone: (02) 4560 4460
Email: bookingsofficer@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
About the meeting rooms
Tebbutt Room
Size: A rectangular room approximately 8.3m x 10.8m
The room comes equipped with: | |
| ![]() |
Stan Stevens Studio
This spacious room can be used for conferences, classes, meetings exhibitions and for art and craft workshops. This versatile room is equipped with hanging rails and art easels.
This large meeting room is suitable for small team meetings and will comfortably fit 50 people.
Size: An irregular triangular room approximately 11m x 10m x 10m
The room comes equipped with: | |
Rozzoli Room
The room comes equipped with: | |
![Kitchen Kitchen](https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0007/84859/Kitchen.jpg)
Deerubbin Meeting Rooms online booking
To book a meeting room, click Online BookingThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window
Fees and charges
The Meeting rooms are available for hire or for free use to local community groups based in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area (LGA). Please note, a fully refundable bond of $105 is payable by all hirers at the time of booking.
Click here for Room Hirer Categories.
Tebbutt Room
Group A | Local Community Groups | Free | |
Group B |
Non-Local Community Group Not-for-profit groups | Per Hour | $22.00 |
Group C |
Commercial groups Private Hirers | Per Hour | $44.00 |
Stan Stevens Room
Group A | Local Community Groups | Free | |
Group B |
Non-Local Community Group Not-for-profit groups | Per Hour | $17.80 |
Group C |
Commercial groups Private Hirers | Per Hour | $35.60 |
Rozzoli Room
Group A | Local Community Groups | Free | |
Group B |
Non-Local Community Group Not-for-profit groups | Per Hour | $11.52 |
Group C |
Commercial groups Private Hirers | Per Hour | $23.03 |
Conditions of use
- When advertising your event or program please list the venue as the name of the meeting room. Either the: Tebbutt, Stan Stevens Studio or Rozzoli Meeting Room, Deerubbin Centre,300 George Street, Windsor.
- An access card will need to be collected from the Library Information Desk on the day of your booking. If you have not used the meeting rooms before ask staff how to arm and to disarm the room.
- The Tebbutt room is equipped with a data projector, computer and PA system. Instructions are available for the room user. If you require additional training, please contact the Bookings officer to arrange a time before the event.
- Air-conditioning in the meeting rooms needs to be turned on manually. Due to power saving initiatives, the air-conditioning only stays on for two hours. This needs to be monitored depending on the length of the meeting.
- Free Wi-Fi access is available for community room users, no password is required
- Supply own additional equipment and supplies as required.
- Setting up of room will be included in your booked time.
- Clean up the room after use
- Provide sufficient information to attendees / participants so that they are as self-sufficient as possible.
Access Cards
- Meeting Rooms are alarmed 24 hours a day.
- Access Cards are issued to a specific person and it is their responsibility to turn room alarms off and then back on each time they are used (training and information sheets are provided).
- The cost of security responses and after hour call outs due to the alarm not being turned off or back on will be passed onto the group. Automated callouts are activated if alarms are not reset.
- The Access Card must be collected from, Hawkesbury Central Library during weekday opening hours (9am – 7pm Monday to Friday). The card needs to be returned to the Library during opening hours or after hours:
- If not using the basement car park, place in letterbox located near alarm panel, ground floor foyer (Library level).
- If using the basement car park, return via the Library after hour chute located in the delivery driveway after exiting the car park.
- If the Access Card Holder loses or misplaces the Access Card, the Library must be notified immediately.
- Time limits apply for parking as sign posted.
- Access hours for the public to the Deerubbin Centre basement car park are:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 7:45pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 3:15pm
Sunday: 9:30am – 5:15pm
- Extended access/exit is activated (using the Access Card) between the hours of:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 10.30pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 10.30pm
Sunday: 9:30am – 10.30pm
- Entry to basement parking is via Christie Street, which is off George Street. The cost of security responses and after hour call-outs due to members or patrons of the user/hirer groups not exiting prior to the Access Card programmed times will be passed onto the group.
Alcoholic beverages
- If alcohol is being sold at a function, or served at a function where there is an entry fee, relevant licences must be obtained, and conditions met. For more information, contact the Licensing Sergeant at Windsor Police Station on phone 02 4587 4099. Application forms are available at Windsor Court House from Monday to Friday. You can also check current requirements on the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing website www.olgr.nsw.gov.au
- If alcohol is being served on a complimentary basis at a function a Permission to Take Alcohol into a Public Hall form must be collected from the Licensing Sergeant at Windsor Police Station.
- Licensees and people serving alcohol (free or for sale) at a function are required to hold a Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate.
- The user/hirer must ensure that liquor is not supplied to persons under 18 years of age.
- Users/hirers should allow adequate time to acquire licences or training prior to the booking.
- Smoking is prohibited in all areas of Council buildings.
- It is the responsibility of the user/hirer to ensure that it members / patrons etc comply.
- Spot fines can be issued by Council's Regulatory Officers.
Safety and emergencies
- All Doorways and Emergency Exits must be kept clear at all times.
- Ensure that all group members are aware of Emergency Exits. Group members should be made aware of “Evacuation Procedure” notice, which is situated on each Meeting Room noticeboard.
- For the safety of staff and the public, Council is required to conduct regular emergency evacuation exercises.
- Users/hirers must always follow emergency warden directions.
- For emergency situations after Library hours contact 000.
- Tampering with the closure of doors/gates creates a risk to people and property. Unauthorised people can enter the building unattended. This may create opportunities for unauthorised people to: hide in the building and create vandalism or acts of theft after hours; commit acts of aggravation or violence to people within the building, which after hours is quite isolated.
- The operation of automatic doors to the building and car park gate must not be tampered with in any way. Tampering, including chocking the doors / gate open damages the mechanism and makes the doors / gate malfunction. In turn, this costs money for the doors / gate to be repaired. Furthermore, it may jeopardise safe operation of the doors / gate during emergencies.
- Call-out fees for repair of doors are a substantial cost to Council. If doors or gates are malfunctioning the day after a room is used in the evening and a) if it is found on CCTV footage that doors/gates have been tampered with during the evening booking, and b) the repairer advises that the cause is due to tampering, that fee will be passed onto the group responsible for the tampering.
- All users/hirers of the Stan Stevens Studio for workshops must ensure a safe and clean workspace in the room. Appropriate safety procedures should be followed.
- All rooms are fitted with smoke alarms. Please do not use artificial smoke machines, candles etc as these have the potential to activate these alarms.
- Council must comply with the Work Health & Safety Act (2011) and Work Health & Safety Regulations (2011). Council staff must implement Council’s Workplace Health and Safety Policy in relation to work practices, equipment, furniture, and the work environment, of which the Meeting Rooms and their contents are part.
- Children are not to enter kitchen area.
- Barbecues and spits are not to be used in the building.
Public Liability
- Incorporated bodies, sporting clubs, associations, commercial groups etc must have public liability insurance cover for no less than $10 million.
Care of Property, Furniture and equipment
- The setting up, stacking and storage of tables, chairs and equipment is the responsibility of the user/hirer.
- Furniture and equipment, other than that already provided, must be brought, and removed by the user/hirer and will be at the expense or effort, and liability of the user/hirer.
- Furniture is not permitted to be moved outside the building or swapped between rooms.
- Furniture must be left as found, either in the room or in storage areas.
Breakages, theft, or damage
- The user/hirer is responsible for any breakages, theft, or damage to the venue or to supplied equipment and furniture.
- Should breakage, theft or damage occur, the Library must be advised as soon as possible.
- Invoice for replacement cost will be issued.
- Where such loss exceeds the amount of the bond paid, the additional costs must be paid within 30 days of the date of the event.
Signs and notices
- May be displayed on noticeboards. Adhesive tape is not to be used at any time.
- May be displayed on the booked room/s door using Blu-tack (or similar) only.
- Must be completely removed after the event/activity/meeting.
- Are not to be placed on glass surfaces or walls of the building.
- In public spaces or outdoors must be of an acceptable standard of presentation.
- That are deemed unacceptable may be removed.
- Any freestanding signs must comply with Council regulations.
- Drawing pins, nails, screws, or adhesive tape must not be used to affix decorations.
- 'Blu-tack' (or similar) may be used.
- All decorations must be completely removed after the event/activity/meeting.
- The cost of removal of decorations left in rooms after use will be deducted from the bond.
- Unremoved items that trigger movement sensitive alarms will incur a call-out fee to user/hirer.
- Balloons must be tied down and are not permitted to be fixed to ceilings; otherwise, removal costs will be incurred.
- Candles are not to be used.
- Kitchen must be left in a clean and tidy state.
- Left-over food, milk and beverages must be disposed of.
- All items including crockery and cutlery must be washed and returned to storage.
- Children are not to enter kitchen area.
- No food or drink is to be sold from the kitchen.
- Barbecues and spits are not to be used in the building.
- No cooking is to take place in any of the community rooms.
- Check Council’s website for current information on food safety regulations www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au.
Cleaning & Floor coverings
- If the venue is left in an unsatisfactory condition and requires additional cleaning, the user/hirer will be charged for this service even if the amount exceeds the total of the bond.
- All rubbish must be placed in the Council bins provided. The user/hirer must take with them any rubbish that does not fit in the bins provided.
- A vacuum cleaner is available for use and is kept in the kitchen (in cupboard).
- Spillages which occur during room hire must be cleaned up immediately. Supplies of paper towels may be found in the Meeting Room Kitchen. Stains which cannot be removed with paper towels must be reported to Library staff as soon as possible to lessen the chances of permanent discolouration. Given the cost of frequent cleaning and replacement of the floor coverings the following conditions will now be applied to all Meeting Room users:
- Regular checks will be carried out by Library staff.
- Costs of spot cleaning will be passed onto room users.
- Cleaning of larger areas will incur a fee.
- Please lift chairs and tables in the Stan Stevens Studio as dragging furniture causes damage to the floor surface.
Naming of meeting rooms
The meeting rooms were named through a nomination process, prior to the opening of the Deerubbin Centre in June 2005.
Tebbutt Room named after John Tebbutt (1834 - 1916)
Hawkesbury Library Service Collection
Recognised around the world as a giant in the field of astronomy John Tebbutt was educated and lived his whole life in the Hawkesbury. His observations and widely published findings advanced astronomy. His achievements have been honoured by a prestigious award from the Royal Astronomical Society, London in 1905, the International Astronomical Union renaming a lunar crater on the moon after him, and his portrayal on Australia’s first $100 note. He is buried in a vault of his own design at St Matthews Anglican Cemetery, Windsor.
Stan Stevens Studio named after Stan Stevens (1924 - 2002)
Image from "Hawkesbury Heritage"
Stan Stevens was a Hawkesbury born-and-bred journalist and photographer. He edited the Windsor & Richmond Gazette (now Hawkesbury Gazette) for more than 30 years, and wrote several books including The Hawkesbury Scene (1976) and Hawkesbury Heritage (1984). He was also the first president of Hawkesbury Camera Club, and the driving force behind numerous community groups.
Rozzoli Room named after the Rozzoli family
The Rozzoli family came to the Hawkesbury in 1940. Frank Rozzoli established a retail jewellery business in 1946, and his sons Ronald and Kevin were both State Apprenticeship winners in watchmaking.
Kevin entered the NSW Parliament in 1973, and represented the seat of Hawkesbury till 2003, serving as Speaker between 1988 and 1995. He also served as Chair and board member of several organisations, and was honoured in 1999 with a Doctorate of Letters from the University of Western Sydney.
Ron continued the family business until 1995. He has always taken a keen interest in the local community, and was Honorary Secretary of Richmond School of Arts, a unique Hawkesbury heritage icon, from 1960 to 2003. Ron passed away in 2018.
Ron Rozzoli & Hon. Kevin Rozzoli
Photographed Craig Morton, Richmond
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