Who writes...?
Looking to read something new? Maybe you've read all the works from your favourite author. The Library has created a number of author lists in various genres to help you.
If you love action novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for this symbol on the spine of books.
If you love crime novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for this symbol on the spine of books.
If you love fantasy novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for this symbol on the spine of books.
If you love romance novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for this symbol on the spine of books.
Science fiction
If you love Sci-Fi novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for this symbol on the spine of books.
If you love horror, western, historical or family saga novels, here is a list of some authors. Alternatively, look for these symbols on the spine of books.
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