Sewer Services – 24hr Maintenance
Hawkesbury City Council (HCC) provides town reticulated sewerage services to residential and commercial premises in Windsor, South Windsor, Bligh Park, Windsor Downs, Clarendon, McGraths Hill, Mulgrave and Pitt Town.
Sullage pump-out services are provided to some of the communities, which are not connected to the town sewer reticulation system, by the Councils approved Contractor
Sydney Water and Flow Solutions are other providers of sewer services in the Hawkesbury District; please check your providers invoice/ bill for their contact details in regards to any sewer problems you may be experiencing
Shouldn’t I Just Ring a Plumber?
It is best to contact Council first through our 24 hour, seven day a week service so that we can identify whether the problem is with the sewer system or is related to your property. This may be able to save you the expense of calling out a service person.
Your Responsibilities and Ours
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to maintain or repair sewer pipes within your property, up to the connection to Council's sewer main. Click below for more information.
Prevent Stormwater infiltration
How to Prevent Sewer Overflows
Keeping Stormwater out of your Gully
Keeping Tree Roots out of Sewer Lines
Trees and shrubs have a place in residential areas by creating pleasant environments that provide shade during summer, create colourful landscapes and screen out neighbours. Trees have many environmental benefits by providing habitat for native animals and insects, and also reduce salinity and erosion.
Drains, sewers and water mains can become disrupted, blocked and damaged, sometimes involving costly repairs and removal.
Hawkesbury City Council has produced a guide to assist residents in choosing appropriate plant species to reduce damage and blockages to nearby pipes and structures.
24-Hour Service - Telephone (02) 4560 4444
Hawkesbury City Council provides a 24-hour emergency service. For all sewerage problems call Council on 02 45604444.
Residents who phone Hawkesbury City Council during business hours will be answered by our Customer Services branch. After hours, same number 02 45604444, a recorded message will prompt you to the On-Call personnel. You will be asked a few important questions to ascertain whether the sewer problem is within the Councils sewer system. For Example:
- Name, Address and Contact details. Time and date of incident. Are they at home?
- Do you know where the property inspection shaft (IO) is?
- Is the sewer surcharging, bubbling out of the Gully, IO. (inspection shaft) or sewer access chamber (manhole).
- Is access readily available, if no one is at home.
- Is there odour inside or outside the home.
The On-Call person will make a determination from your conversation the need to send Hawkesbury City Councils sewer response team to inspect and undertake the necessary remedial works.
Hawkesbury City Council will respond to sewer problems within a 2 hour period.
If the sewer problem is found to be within the house service line, this would be deemed an Internal problem and you will be required to contract a licenced plumber/drainer to undertake all the necessary repairs.
An inspection by a Council representative may be required to ensure all repairs are completed to comply with the current standard.
Page ID: 165839