Kerbside Clean Up Service

Service Details

All Hawkesbury City Council residents who receive the domestic waste collection service provided by Council, can now book one Kerbside Bulk Waste Household Clean-up Service each financial year.

Presented material must not exceed 2m3 (2m x 1m x 1m or one trailer load) of waste.

Three Step Booking Process

Step 1: Check the accepted material guidelines

Materials Accepted

The following materials can be put out for kerbside collection:

  • Metal Appliances and White Goods: (e.g. Fridges, Dryers, Washing machines, Ovens, Microwaves, Toasters, Kettles, Bikes, and other similar items)
  • Household furniture
  • Mattresses (at a cost) - refer to 'Mattress Collection' details below
  • Branches and garden organics (tied into bundles)
  • Timber (not exceeding 1.5m in length and 10cm in diameter)

Bulky waste clean-up example

Mattress Collection

Mattress collection is available at a fee in urban areas and rural areas.

This service will be paid directly to the contractor by the customer via credit card at time of booking the service.

Materials NOT Accepted

The following materials can’t be put out for kerbside collection:

  • Liquid or hazardous waste (paints, oils, sharps, gas bottles etc.)
  • Asbestos
  • Construction / demolition waste (concrete, bricks, etc.)
  • Soil and sand
  • Tree stumps and trunks
  • Car parts or batteries
  • Items longer than 2m in length
  • Glass / Panes of glass

For all other item, please refer to the Waste Guide. Through the Waste Guide, you can find other disposal and recycling options, and see what items can be taken to the  Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility. The Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility accepts a variety of items for FREE through the Hawkesbury Community Recycling Centre.

Step 2: Check the Waste Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

Please follow the below guidelines to ensure your materials are collected. If these guidelines are not met, your material may not be collected and you will have to make your own arrangements.

Residents who place materials on the kerb more than 24 hours prior to booked collection may incur an illegal dumping fine of up to $5000.

Guidelines for presenting material to the kerb for clean-up include:

  • Do not place items out that are not accepted by this service – they will not be collected and you may incur a fine
  • Place materials on the kerb the night before your booked collection date
  • Stack material neatly in front of your own property
  • Material must not exceed the 2m3 area limit (2m x 1m x 1m or one trailer load) of waste
  • Do not have materials placed in a manner that obstructs foot paths
  • Material must be able to be handled safely by two people
  • Branches and garden organics should be tied in buddles
  • Loose garden organics such as grass clippings need to be boxed / bagged
  • Timber must not exceed 1.5m in length and 10cm in diameter
  • Items longer than 2m in length are not accepted

Step 3: Book a Clean Up with Council Contractor

Bookings are essential. To book, call Council’s contractor Cleanaway on 1300 889 527.

Kerbside Bulk Waste Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why has my bulk waste not been collected?

If your bulk waste has still not been collected one week past your confirmed collection date, please first check your bulk waste met the presentation guidelines.

If your bulk waste does meet the presentation guidelines, contact Council on (02) 4560 4444.

If your bulk waste does not meet the presentation guidelines, please remove it as soon as possible and make alternative disposal arrangements.

Why weren’t all of my bulk waste items collected?

There are a few reasons some items may not have been collected including:

  • The items were not suitable for collection. Please review the ‘Materials not accepted’ section to check whether the items are listed there
  • The presented material exceeded the 2m3 (2m x 1m x 1m) limit, which is roughly the equivalent of one trailer load of waste. Extra material outside of this limit will not be collected
  • Some items were not easily accessible to staff – obstructions such as vehicles prevented staff from safely accessing the material
  • An item was too heavy

What do I do with items not listed as acceptable for the Kerbside Bulk Waste Clean-up?

If you have other items not covered by the Kerbside Bulk Waste Clean-up, please refer to the below links:

Can I cancel or change my Kerbside Bulk Waste Clean-up booking?

Call Council’s contractor Cleanaway on 1300 889 527 between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday (public holidays hours may vary).

I have already used my Kerbside Bulk Waste Clean-up, can I book another one?

Yes, however you will have to pay for any additional clean-ups.

A reminder – Hawkesbury City Council residents who receive the domestic waste collection service provided by Council are entitled to one Kerbside Household Clean-up Service each financial year.

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