Safety Around Schools - School Zones and Parking Rules
School Zones
40km/h School Zones help protect children on their way to and from schools. School Zones are in force on all days which are not a weekend, public holiday or a publicly notified school holiday for government schools.
Council’s Compliance team play an important part in keeping pedestrians and motorists safe. The team is active around schools to protect children and provide a safe environment for children arriving and leaving school
Increased fines and demerit points apply for certain School Zone offences with some offences included in double demerit periods. The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) website has information on fines and demerit point offences: Offences on NSW Roads
Information about School Zones and understanding the road rules, parking signage and penalties is available here: School Zones and Parking Rules - Penalties and Demerit Points
To process or appeal an infringement notice visit Revenue NSW | Revenue NSW
School Crossing Supervisors
Transport for NSW has a School Crossing Supervisor program which contributes to the safety of infants and primary school students. More information on this program, including TfNSW criteria and how to apply for a School Crossing Supervisor is available on the TfNSW Centre for Road Safety website at: School Crossing Supervisors
Road Safety Education Programs
The NSW Government has developed road safety education programs for use by parents, teachers and students which can be delivered in the classroom or at home. There are programs available for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and Year 7 to Year 12.
Early Child Road Safety Education Program information is available from the Kids and Traffic website, developed in partnership with Transport for NSW and Macquarie University.
Related Information:
School zones - Schools - Staying safe - NSW Centre for Road Safety
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