
According to the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), noise adversely affected residents in the wider Sydney area more than any other environmental issue.

Some people may be more annoyed than others by any given noise level. Noise may become annoying if it intrudes into people's awareness, is heard against their wishes, or offers them no benefits. Noise has potential to impact on health when it is at significant levels and duration, and if the noise interferes with rest, speech, study, or leisure.

Some organisations may be able to assist you where you are being adversely affected by noise. Please see the “Who to Contact” table below to discover who the relevant authority is for the noise that is concerning you. Alternatively, you can contact the NSW EPA Pollution Line on Ph.131 555, or at the EPAs website, and your enquiry will be logged and forwarded to the Appropriate Regulatory Authority.

Hawkesbury City Council may be able to help you are being affected from offensive noise at home. See the relevant sections below.

Neighbourhood Noise

The Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation clearly identifies times when certain noisy articles must not be used. This is summarised below. Hawkesbury City Council responds to customer requests regarding neighbourhood noise. Council’s Environmental Health Officers are authorised under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act to control most noise sources, and can explain the noise complaint process and what is required from you.

Restricted Times of Use for Noisy Articles

Noise Source

Restricted Times.

Power tools and equipment such as

  • powered garden tools including lawn mowers
  • leaf blowers
  • electric or pneumatic tools
  • chainsaws
  • circular saws
  • gas or air compressors
  • pumps
  • swimming pool/ spa pumps.
  • 8pm to 7am on weekdays and Saturdays
  • 8pm to 8am on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Musical instruments and sound equipment including

  • radios
  • televisions
  • compact disc players etc
  • public address systems or
  • computer games.
  • 10 pm to 8 am Sunday to Thursday (nights preceeding normal work or school days).
  • 12 midnight to 8 am on Friday night, Saturday night
  • Any other night followed by a public holiday.

Domestic air conditioners and heat-pump water heaters

  • 10pm to 7am on weekdays.
  • 10pm to 8am on weekends and Public Holidays.

Motor vehicles (except when entering or leaving residential premises)

  • 8pm to 7am on weekdays;
  • 8pm to 8am on weekends and Public Holidays

Refrigeration units fitted to motor vehicles.

  • 8pm to 7am on weekdays;
  • 8pm to 8am on weekends and Public Holidays.

NOTE that offensive noise may still be occurring at times that are in compliance with the above.

During these hours, noise from residential premises should not be heard in a ‘habitable room’ in a neighbour’s residence.

A ‘habitable room’ means any room other than a garage, storage area, bathroom, laundry, toilet or pantry.

Further restrictions may be placed on the use of these articles by issuing Notices under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Livestock noise

Hawkesbury City Council may be able to assist you with noisy livestock that is clearly audible within a residential building or associated outdoor areas. However, complaints regarding general animal cruelty and neglect should be reported to Animal Welfare League NSW, or Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, New South Wales (RSPCA). The best way to contact these organisations is through their websites below.

Poultry, Guinea fowls and Peacocks

Keeping of poultry can have a number of benefits - they supply fresh eggs, can eat your food scraps and supply you with natural fertiliser.  However, if not properly managed, they can be a nuisance to neighbours: causing noise and odour issues and possibly carrying diseases. For example, salmonella is usually found within poultry manure.

Poultry are permitted to be kept on residential premises in the Hawkesbury City Council area, provided that the following conditions, from the Local Government(General) Regulation 2005, are complied with:

  • Poultry must be kept under such conditions that they do not create a nuisance and are not dangerous or injurious to health.
  • Poultry yards must at all times be kept clean and free from offensive odours.

If your poultry house was constructed after February 2014, you are not permitted under the Exempt and Complying SEPP to keep roosters without approval from Council. Roosters, peacocks, and guinea fowls should not be kept at residential properties as they serve little purpose, and they create an unnecessary noise for your neighbours.

For further information regarding the keeping of poultry, please check the Environmental Health Fact sheet, or contact an Environmental Health Officer on Ph. (02) 4560 4444.

Who to contact?

Contacts for Noise Pollution

Noise source


Industrial/commercial noise

  • Large industrial complexes - EPA Environment Line, phone: 131 555
  • Smaller factories and backyard workshops – Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Commercial premises – ventilation, air conditioning,refrigeration - Hawkesbury City Council.
Transport noise
  • Aircraft on base – RAAF Base.
  • Aircraft on private land – Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Noisy motor vehicles (including trail bikes) in a public place such as roads, verges and car parks – Police Assistance Line Ph. 131 444
  • Noisy motor vehicles off road, including parks and reserves - Hawkesbury City Council
  • Noisy motor vehicles (including trail bikes) on private property - Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Road traffic: - main roads - Roads and Maritime Services, phone: 1300 308 349
  • Rail noise EPA Environment Line, phone: 131 555, or Rail Greenline phone: 1300 656 999
  • Recreational boating, jet skis - Roads and Maritime Services, phone: 131 256
  • Amplified music from vessels - Roads and Maritime Services, phone: 131 256 or Water police, phone: (02) 9320 7499.
Construction noise
  • Road construction - EPA Environment Line, phone: 131 555 Roads and Maritime Services, phone: 1300 308 349
  • Building construction – Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Major public infrastructure - EPA Environment Line, phone: 131 555
Public sporting and entertainment venues
  • Motor sports and gun/ rifle/ pistol clubs – Hawkesbury City Council
  • Sporting facilities (other than vessels) – Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Aquatic sporting events - Roads and Maritime Services, phone: 131 256
  • Concerts – Hawkesbury City Council.
Neighbourhood noise
  • Noise in public places, animal noise, barking dogs – Hawkesbury City Council.
  • Intruder alarms for buildings – Hawkesbury City Council or Police Assistance Line, phone 131 444
  • Intruder alarms for vehicles – Police Assistance Line, phone 131 444
Contacts for noise pollution

If you would like to make a noise complaint to Council, you can download the Noise Log Sheets here.

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