Fireworks displays can only be held with a pyrotechnicians license or fireworks (single use) licence issued by SafeWork NSW.
The licensee must notify SafeWork NSW and the local council of an intention to use any fireworks, crackers, distress signal or model rocket propellant device at least 7 working days before the fireworks, signal or device is to be used.
Licensees must include in their notification to Council the following:
- A completed SafeWork NSW notification from.
- A completed SafeWork NSW Fireworks Display Checklist.
- If the display is under a flight path, evidence that CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) has been notified.
- If the display is on water (i.e on a barge) an Aquatic Licence from RMS (Roads and Maritime Services)
Once the applicable information above has been submitted, Council will assess your notification based on the following criteria:
- The appropriateness of the location of the display, for example proximity to residences, hospitals, aged care facilities, animal shelters and overhead obstructions such as trees and power lines.
- The reason for the display.
- The types of firework that are proposed to be used, for example aerial fireworks (in particular salutes) are considered to have a much greater impact on surrounding areas than ground display fireworks. Councils can impose conditions on, restrict or prohibit the use of aerial fireworks.
- The impact on any affected residents and businesses – noting, neighbouring properties must be notified appropriately of the intended display such as by the way of a letterbox drop. Council will need to decide what it believes to be a reasonable area of notification.
- The impact on animal welfare in proximity to the display.
- Public liability issues.
- Noise and other pollution.
- Public nuisance.
- The proposed procedure for the disposal of spent fireworks.
- The appropriateness of crowd and traffic management issues where the display is likely to attract crowds.
- Any local conditions that the council may consider relevant.
If Council has no objections to the display a letter will be issued from Council outlining conditions to be adhered to.
Additional information can be found here or by contacting a Hawkesbury City Council Environmental Health Section on (02) 4560 4444.
Page ID: 157104