Hawkesbury Fire Control Centre

Hawkesbury City Council is delivering on its promise to build a new Hawkesbury Fire Control Centre, following the identification and endorsement of a suitable plot of land.

The site at 6 McKinnons Road, Wilberforce is located adjacent to the existing NSW SES Hawkesbury Headquarters, which would allow for the creation of a dedicated ‘emergency services precinct’ with NSW RFS, NSW SES and a new emergency operations centre to be co-located and the flexibility for other emergency services agencies to be added to the precinct in the future.

The land parcel, having previously been deemed suitable through an earlier feasibility study, has the support of both NSW RFS and NSW SES, for the benefits it will have to the agencies and our community.

Council at its meeting on 11 June 2024 voted to proceed with the purchase, subject to the finalisation and receipt of land reports.

Co-locating services such as the NSW RFS and NSW SES delivers better whole-of-community outcomes through shared facilities, utilities and services, and allows for better sharing of information and decision-making during emergencies. This leads to a better response and better service to our community.

The new emergency services precinct will be designed specifically to ensure that there is ample parking and access at all times, including during floods and fires.

Council worked very closely with our emergency service and government partners to carefully consider and assess a number of potential properties to identify one that would deliver the best possible location for this important fire control centre.

Council will keep the Hawkesbury community updated on the progress of this important project via this page, our Facebook page and quarterly Community Newsletter.

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