Community Plans
Council has developed a suite of community plans that describe how Council collaborates with external agencies to positively influence the health and wellbeing of residents in the Hawkesbury.
Hawkesbury Family and Domestic Violence Action Plan
The Hawkesbury Family and Domestic Violence Action Plan (HFDVAP) September 2017, was developed from the collaborative input of 3 focus groups and 56 attendees working together in a community forum held on 10 November 2015. As achieving a reduction of Family and Domestic Violence within the Hawkesbury is a complex and challenging undertaking, a range of local and regional agencies are listed as service partners within the Plan. Council staff will liaise and consult with the peak local interagency, the Hawkesbury Area Network Against Domestic Violence (HANADV), about each of the actions within the Plan and how they can best be achieved. HANADV will assist in the preparation of an annual progress report on implementation of the Plan to Council.
Hawkesbury Family and Domestic Violence Action Plan - September 2017 - (1.1MB)
Youth Summit Report
The 2017 Hawkesbury Youth Summit was held on Wednesday 5 April 2017 and attended by 118 young people representing six schools and two non-mainstream schools. The Summit was also attended and delivered by a planning group of young people who met for three months prior to the event to advise Council on the implementation of the day.
The Youth Summit Report 2017 contains key recommendations to be undertaken by stakeholders over a 2 year period and is monitored by Hawkesbury Youth Interagency and Council.
Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Hawkesbury City Council recognises that access and inclusion are fundamental to building a safe, connected, and cohesive Hawkesbury. The 2023 – 2026 Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan provides Council with a clear set of actions and strategies to be undertaken over the next three years to improve inclusion for the whole of community.
Adopted by Council on the 9th April 2024, The Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan has been informed and guided by the local community with lived experience of disability and aligns with state of NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014. The plan will be monitored by Council in collaboration with the Disability Inclusion Working Group.
Hawkesbury Mobility Plan
Hawkesbury City Council is committed to providing a safe and effective transport network for its community, including consideration of pedestrian and cyclist mobility. Council commissioned consultants to prepare The Hawkesbury Mobility Plan, comprising of a Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) and Bike Plan, with the desired outcome of identifying a cohesive strategy for linking residents, particularly residents living in localities with high proportions of vulnerable road users, to the major commercial centres of the city by means of safe and accessible pathways and cycle ways.
Hawkesbury Mobility Plan 2010 Final Adopted Version - (11MB)
Dementia Friendly Hawkesbury Plan
Council recognises that inclusion is fundamental to creating a healthy and cohesive Hawkesbury.
As such, Council has developed a Dementia Friendly Hawkesbury Plan 2020-2022 to provide Council with a clear set of actions and strategies to be undertaken to improve inclusion for people living with a diagnosis of dementia and their carers.
The Dementia Friendly Hawkesbury Plan has been developed with reference to feedback provided by:
- participants of the focus groups for people with dementia
- participants of the focus groups for carers
- all of the respondents to the community survey
- local businesses, services and organisations
- Hawkesbury Dementia Working Group
- Dementia Australia
- Hawkesbury Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee.
The Dementia Friendly Plan Hawkesbury Plan identifies actions to be undertaken by Council and implementation of the Plan is monitored by Hawkesbury Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee, with assistance from a Dementia Friendly Hawkesbury Working Group.
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