Hair and Beauty Premises
Premises where hairdressing, skin penetration and beauty procedures are carried out are regularly inspected by Council's Environmental Health Officers to ensure they are compliant with hygienic requirements.
If you are establishing a business or taking on an existing business that conducts activities that penetrate the skin or intend to introduce this procedure, approval is required from Council. Operating your skin penetration business without development consent is an offence.
Skin penetration procedures include the following:
- Waxing
- Electrolysis
- Needling
- Tattooing (including cosmetic tattooing)
- Ear and body piercing
- Acupuncture
- Colonic lavage
- Cuticle cutting such as pedicures and manicures
- Microdermabrasion
Registration with Council
All skin penetration businesses and hairdressers (including mobile operators) are required to be registered with Council. Council’s registration form can be found here.
Guidelines and Resources
The NSW Public Health website has many factsheets on skin penetration, beauty and hairdressing procedures as well as the fit out requirements These can be found here: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/skinpenetration/Pages/default.aspx
Hairdresser and Barber Guidelines
Steps to Cleaning and Sterilising Instruments - NSW Health Factsheet
Requirements for the Beauty Industry – NSW Health Factsheet
Requirements for the Tattoo and Body Art Industry - NSW Health Factsheet
Page ID: 157091