
Legal Disclaimer

While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness, no guarantee is given, nor responsibility taken by Hawkesbury City Council for errors or omissions in the information.

The Hawkesbury City Council does not accept responsibility in respect of any information or advice given in relation to or as a consequence of anything contained herein. The Hawkesbury City Council does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided on this web site or incorporated into it by reference.

The information on the Hawkesbury City Council's web site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.
The information contained in the Hawkesbury City Council web site is not to be displayed except in full screen format. No liability is accepted for any information or services which may appear in any other format. No responsibility is taken for any information or services which may appear on any linked web sites.


Hawkesbury City Council

This website, including all material posted to the site, is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, in-house or non-commercial use. You may not re-transmit, distribute or commercialise the material without the permission of Hawkesbury City Council.

For any other proposed use, you must email the Council for formal permission.

Aside from use as permitted above or otherwise under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are reserved.

Material appearing on linked sites may be subject to third party copyright. The Council cannot give any permission to use such material and strongly recommends that you refer to the copyright notices on those sites before making use of any such material

Web-Site Links and Referencing Policy:

Policy No: PAM0003Z Web V2.0 adopted at Ordinary Council Meeting dated 13th April 2010.


In general, Council's web site will not contain commercial advertising, however it may contain references (including links) to a range of external entities. Council does not necessarily endorse or support the views, opinions, standards or information expressed, directly or indirectly, by any referenced external entity. Due to the dynamic nature of the internet it is not possible to ensure that all references contained within Council's web site remain in keeping with Council's consistent and co-ordinated public image as a responsible provider of on line information.

Council has the right deny listing or referencing that does not adhere to the following criteria:

  • Government organisations and sponsored events, projects and programs
  • Council organisations and sponsored events, projects and programs
  • Only groups whose activities are not-for-profit will be published. Exceptions will be made where the service is primarily in the areas of:
    • education
    • health
    • aged, youth and disability services
    • sport and recreation
    • culture
    • tourism facilities
    • government representatives
    • transport
    • Groups whose activities are non-political
    • Groups whose activities occur within the City of Hawkesbury, or have specific relevance to our residents
    • Other organisations and events that are consistent with Council's strategic objectives

Hawkesbury City Council reserves the right to decline or remove any reference or inclusion which it deems to be potentially; out-dated, inappropriate, inaccurate, misleading, misrepresentative, offensive or seditious.

External entities may provide references or links to the Hawkesbury City Council web site, however this in no way in a statement of endorsement, directly or indirectly, of the entity by the Hawkesbury City Council.

Users are advised to read the Hawkesbury City Council Web Site Disclaimer and Copyright statement.

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