Waste Management Facility

The Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility is located at 1 The Driftway, South Windsor. The facility is open every day from 8am – 4pm, with the last entry at 3:45pm. It is however closed on all public holidays.

The Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility receives domestic and select other waste from within the Hawkesbury Local Government Area. Additionally, from 1 July 2024 the facility will open to residential and commercial customers from the neighbouring LGA’s of Blacktown, Penrith, The Hills, and Blue Mountains. Customers from outside of the Hawkesbury LGA can drop off recycling and recoverable items such as Timber, Green Waste, Fridges, Tyres, Scrap Metal, Brick and Concrete, and Cardboard. Outside the LGA customers cannot drop off any general waste, building waste or mixed loads. Specific fees and charges apply for customers coming from outside the LGA.

The facility is open to eligible persons with Proof of Residency. Your current drivers licence is acceptable for domestic materials from your home address. Commercial Customers or persons bringing materials from properties other than their own address will need a current Hawkesbury Council Rates Notice to access the facility. For neighbouring LGA Commercial Customers, a current Council Rates Notice from Blacktown, Penrith, The Hills, or Blue Mountains is required to access the facility.

For Hawkesbury residents and businesses, to ensure you receive the applicable Hawkesbury LGA fees you must provide Proof of Residency.

View the below Waste Management Facility Fees and Services brochures for information on using the Facility, accepted and prohibited materials, payment options and safety guidelines when at the facility:

PLEASE NOTE: The following conditions apply to dropping off deceased animals at the Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility:

  1. Animals requiring special burial arrive by 12pm Monday to Friday and where possible are wrapped / secured in plastic to minimise odour. Please notify customer service one hour before your intended drop off on (02) 4560 4444.
  2. Where possible animals are wrapped in plastic / secured in bags to a size that the customer can handle and safely place on the ground in a designated area.  Please communicate any specific needs at time of enquiry.
  3. No handling of animals by staff at any time.
  4. All customers are to follow the instructions of Waste Management Facility staff to ensure safe access and Work Health & Safety (WHS) requirements are adhered to.

Additionally, Hawkesbury Residents can use the Hawkesbury Waste GuideThis external link will open in a new window dashboard to search specific items and receive information on the Waste Management Facility fees.  The Waste Guide offers residents the ability to search for different items to know if they can be recycled or need to be disposed of and in which bin or location. It aims to help the Hawkesbury community to reduce contamination in the recycling, general waste and garden organics bins and allow residents to find answers easily.

Facility Contact Details

Address: 1 The Driftway, South Windsor
Phone: (02) 4560 4444
Email: council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au

Taking Waste to the Waste Management Facility

Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility Summary of Terms of Conditions of Entry

By entering this Facility, You and/or Your Organisation agree to be bound by Councils terms and conditions of entry, a copy of which is available on Council’s website or can be provided by Facility Staff on request. If You do not accept the terms and conditions, You must not enter the Facility.

For the full terms and conditions of entry, please click here.

In summary:

  1. You enter and use the Facility at Your own risk, solely for the purpose of disposing material in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  2. Council reserves the right to refuse entry to the Facility to any vehicle or person for any reason.
  3. By entering the Facility You agree to:
    • comply with all signs, speed limits and written directions within the Facility;
    • follow all instructions from Facility Staff (unless it is unsafe to do so);
    • immediately notify Facility Staff if material spills from Your vehicle or You notice any other hazard within the Facility;
    • treat with courtesy, and not threaten or abuse, Facility Staff and other users of the Facility;
    • not cause damage to any person or property;
    • wear appropriate footwear and other appropriate personal protective equipment;
    • ensure children/pets safely remain inside vehicles (but do not leave children/pets unattended in vehicles);
    • not smoke within or near the Facility; and
    • follow exit signs including use of ‘wet exit’ (via wheel wash only) in the event of wet weather conditions.  You  may not avoid wheel wash upon exit.
  4. Before entering the Facility You must have read Council’s website to confirm that the material You intend to dispose of at the Facility is permitted to be disposed of at the Facility or, if an approval is required from Council You have obtained that approval.  Facility Staff may refuse entry to any vehicle carrying material that, in the opinion of Facility Staff, is not permitted to be disposed of at the Facility. Hook Lift and Skip Bins can ONLY be authorised in advance by Manager Resource Recovery.
  5. You must enter the Facility via the Gatehouse and have Your vehicle weighed at the Weighbridge.  You must truthfully and accurately declare to Facility Staff all materials You intend to dispose of at the Facility.
  6. The fees and charges for the disposal of material at the Facility are calculated in line with Council’s published fees and charges available on Council’s website.  Additional fees and charges may apply for material generated outside Council’s LGA, or where You have misdescribed material and Council needs to relocate it.
  7. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE IS USED THROUGHOUT THIS FACILITY through the use of CCTV at fixed locations.  Some Facility Staff wear body cameras.  This is for safety and security purposes and to monitor Your use of the Facility.  By entering this Facility You consent to being filmed and recorded for these purposes.
  8. By entering the Facility, You agree to Council collecting Your personal information including through the use of video surveillance.  Council handles Your personal information in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) as outlined in our Privacy Management Plan (located on our website). If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the way in which we handle Your personal information, please see the Terms and Conditions of entry or contact the Manager of Waste & Resource Recovery.
  9. You and/or Your Organisation:
    • indemnify Council from and against any and all liability, cost, expense, loss or claim suffered or incurred by Council or Facility Staff; and
    • release Council from any and all claims that You or Your Organisation may have against Council or Facility Staff and any loss or damage (including personal injury or property damage) that You or Your Organisation may suffer, arising in connection with or arising from Your entry into and use of this Facility.
  10. If You do not comply with any of the terms and conditions, You and/or Your Organisation may be required to leave the Facility immediately and may be refused entry to and use of the Facility in the future, with financial and other penalties applying.
  11. In these terms and conditions, references to ‘Council’ mean Hawkesbury City Council, ‘You’ means any person who enters the Facility to delivery material or otherwise access or use the Facility (other than Facility Staff), ‘Your Organisation’ means any company or organisation You work for or represent in accessing or using the Facility, and ‘Facility Staff’ means each of Council’s employees and contractors who work at or for the Facility.  Refer to Councils Terms and Conditions of entry for a detailed list.

Unloading Assistance

Council can provide assistance for elderly customers or customers with a disability who need help unloading their vehicles.

To arrange for assistance, please call the Weighbridge before arrival on (02) 4560 4444.

Materials Accepted at the Waste Management Facility

Materials Accepted for Free

The following materials can be dropped off for free:

  • Domestic kerbside recyclable materials (e.g. plastic bottlers and containers from your kitchen, bathroom and laundry, steel and aluminium cans, glass bottles and jars)
  • Paper and unwaxed cardboard* (including hardcover and paperback books. Alternatively, good quality books can be donated to the Re-use Shed)
    *ONLY up to 20kg of paper and cardboard can be accepted for free. Fees apply for amounts over 20kg.
  • Scrap steel (excludes Fridges, Freezers and Air Conditioning Units)
  • Sump oil (to be poured into designated holding tank)
  • Car batteries (lead acid) and household batteries
  • Problem household waste (e.g. paint, fluro globes and tubes, smoke detectors etc.) for the Community Recycling Centre (for more information please refer to the ‘Hawkesbury Community Recycling Centre’ heading tab)

Please note, only sorted and separated loads will be accepted for free. If the load is mixed with other waste materials you will be required to pay

Materials Accepted at a Cost

The following materials can be dropped off at a cost:

  • General domestic waste
  • Building and demolition waste (no asbestos)
  • Bricks and Concrete
  • Garden organics / green waste (excludes palm trees and fronds, bamboo, noxious weeds, root balls and other non-mulchable garden organics)
  • Mattresses
  • Tyres – motorbike / passenger car or smaller (maximum of five (5) tyres per load)
  • Other materials as specified by Council
  • Fridges, Freezers and Air Conditioning Units ($30 each)
Prohibited Materials

The following materials are prohibited:

  • Liquids and chemicals
  • Compressed fibre sheeting
  • Cement fibre reinforced products
  • Asbestos and products containing asbestos
  • Fibre cement sheeting
  • Fibro (of any kind – old or new)
  • Soil (of any quantity)
  • Blue board
  • Other materials as designated by Council

Any load containing or suspected of containing prohibited materials, will not be permitted to unload and will be directed to leave the Facility.

Loads that contain materials from bathroom / laundry / kitchen renovations or construction of buildings for example will not be accepted in these circumstances.

If you mislead / deceive or hide said prohibited materials from the council staff and, these materials find their way onto our site in your load, then the landfill operator will ask the customer to cease unloading immediately and inform the gatehouse. The customer will be charged for the cost of a licensed contractor to remove said material from our site to a facility licensed for said materials and may also be subject to a fine or criminal prosecution.

Drop-off Fees and Payment

Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard and Visa in person. All loads are pay as you go – meaning multiple loads are to be paid per load over the weighbridge.

For drop-off fees and further payment information, please refer to the Waste Management Facility Fees and Services brochures below:

Hawkesbury Community Recycling Centre

Community Recycling Centres (CRCs)

* As a result of the fire at the Cleanaway site in St Marys, the Hawkesbury City Council Community Recycling Centre (CRC) collections were affected.

Council can only store a certain number of the CRC items due to our environmental obligations and requirements.

Council has now reopened our Community Recycling Centre to accept more items as Cleanaway’s operations are improving. We will continue to work with Cleanaway and the NSW EPA as we open up further to accept a number of items at the CRC.

The Facility is now open to receive the following items at the Community Recycling Centre:

  • Paint
  • Gas bottles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Household Batteries
  • Smoke detectors
  • Fluoros
  • Motor oils
  • Car Batteries

We cannot accept imbedded batteries or cooking oils at this stage and will update when this changes. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Please note that no other waste streams are affected, and the facility continues to operate 7 days a week between 8am-4pm with last entry at 3:45pm.


Community Recycling Centre’s (CRCs) are NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) funded permanent drop-off centres for common household problem waste that cannot be disposed of via Council’s kerbside general waste, recycling or garden organics collection services.

A Community Recycling Centre (CRC) operates at the Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility. This is a FREE service to help residents safely dispose of household problem waste, and is available all year round.

Many of the materials accepted by CRCs can be reused and recycled if processed correctly. Recycling helps our environment because it saves water, energy and natural resources.

Hawkesbury CRC Contact Details

Address: Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility, 1 The Driftway, South Windsor
Hours: *every day, 8am – 4pm, with the last entry at 3:45pm. (*excluding public holidays)
Phone: (02) 4560 4444

Accepted Materials

Only household quantities of materials will be accepted and must be transported in containers no larger than 20 litres.

You can drop-off the following materials for free:

  • Batteries (household)
  • Batteries (car)
  • Bicycles
  • Clothing donations. Must be good quality and clean (please do not donate stained and/or damaged clothing)
  • Computers and Televisions
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fluorescent globes and tubes
  • Gas bottles
  • Motor oils
  • Other oils
  • Paint (up to 100 litres of paint can be dropped off, in containers no larger than 20 litres)
  • Paper and unwaxed cardboard* (including hardcover and paperback books. Alternatively, good quality books can be donated to the Re-use Shed)
    *ONLY up to 20kg of paper and cardboard can be accepted for free. Fees apply for amounts over 20kg.
  • Plastic plant pots
  • Smoke detectors

You can drop-off the following materials for a cost:

  • Mattresses*
  • Polystyrene*

*fees apply. Please see the Waste Management Facility Fees and Services Factsheet here.

Dangerous goods and items other than those listed above will not be accepted.

Revolve ReCYCLING staff holding bikes at the Hawkesbury Waste Management Facility

Council has a new partnership with Revolve ReCYCLING!

Drop off your old bikes free of charge at the Hawkesbury City Waste Management Facility, 1 The Driftway, South Windsor. Open seven days from 8am to 3:45pm, closed public holidays.

For more information visit Revolve ReCYCLINGThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window or call Council’s Resource Recovery Team on (02) 4560 4444.

Revolve ReCYCLING will:

  • aim to recycle and reuse 100% of bicycles collected
  • provide cool, safe, high quality, branded and affordable refurbished bicycles for purchase
  • work to make their own practices as environmentally sustainable as possible
  • donate cool, safe, high quality and branded refurbished bicycles to kids who need them – ‘bike equity’
  • research and collaborate to utilise materials like recycled plastics into new rides, for example, as recycled plastic bicycle frames
  • encourage bike riders to extend the bike’s lifespan with maintenance and repairs.

Household Chemical CleanOut

If you need to dispose of potentially hazardous household chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides, poisons and pool and hobby chemicals, you can do so at Household Chemical CleanOut events.

For further information about these events and upcoming dates, please refer to the Special Events and Waste Clean-up Services page.

Problem Waste Disposal for Commercial Operators

Businesses are not eligible to use Community Recycling Centres (except for Paint disposal) and should contact an appropriate waste disposal service directly. A useful source for searching companies and drop-off locations for businesses is available on Planet Ark’s Business Recycling Information ServiceThis external link will open in a new windowThis external link will open in a new window.

Storing and Transporting Problem Waste

Please handle and transport your materials carefully and safely. Protect your vehicle by placing items on a protective sheet or tray in the boot to capture any leakages or breakages.

The CRC facilitates the reprocessing and reuse of these materials and prevents them from entering landfill. By sorting your waste and taking it to your local CRC, you will:

  • Help improve recycling rates;
  • Save water, energy and other valuable natural resources; and
  • Protect the environment.

Looking for more information?

The Community Recycling Centres project is a part of the NSW Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, which is funded through the waste levy. To find out more about Community Recycling Centres or the Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, please click below.

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