Community Sponsorship Program now open
9 October 2024
Community Sponsorship Program open for applications until 31 October 2024
Are you a local organisation that is helping the Hawkesbury community to build a vibrant, connected, and liveable Hawkesbury?
If so, you might be interested in the Council’s Community Sponsorship Program. Round one of the Community Sponsorship Program 2024/2025 is open for applications from 1st October until 31 October 2024. This funding opportunity enables Council to work in partnership with the community to build a vibrant, connected, and liveable Hawkesbury.
There are three categories within the Community Sponsorship Program:
- Resilient Hawkesbury Council may provide funding to community programs that help to build a connected, healthy, inclusive and resilient Hawkesbury. Maximum funding of $3000.
- Participation Financial assistance may be provided to support the participation of residents who have been selected to represent the Hawkesbury in state, national, or international sporting competitions and cultural events. The level of contribution is $150 for individuals and $750 for a team of five or more.
- Access to Community Facilities Not for profit community groups located in the Hawkesbury or providing services to the Hawkesbury, can apply for financial assistance for a subsidy of 50% off the cost of hiring a Council or community facility up to a maximum contribution of $750.
In 2023/2024, the Community Sponsorship Program sponsored 52 applications across three categories: Participation, Access to Facilities, and Resilient Hawkesbury, allocating a total of $42,149.
This funding enabled participants to engage in a diverse range of sports, including Canoe Marathon, Netball, Tae Kwon Do, and Gymnastics. Community organisations were able to access facilities like Hanna Park and the Hawkesbury Leisure and Learning Centre at a subsidised rate. Additionally, both new and existing programs and workshops under the Resilient Hawkesbury category received support, with successful applications from local organisations such as the Woman’s Cottage and HART Youth.
If you would like more information on the Community Sponsorship Program or assistance to apply for this funding in future, see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/for-residents/community/community-funding or contact Community Services on 4560 4444 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Please note that it is important to read the Community Sponsorship Program Strategy Document, the assessment matrix, and the FAQs before submitting your application.
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