Mayor Sarah McMahon and Deputy Mayor Barry Calvert re-elected
13 September 2023
Hawkesbury City Councillor Sarah McMahon was re-elected as the Mayor of Hawkesbury at the Council meeting on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 as part of the mid-term mayoral elections. Councillor Barry Calvert was re-elected as Deputy Mayor.
Mayor McMahon said it was “re-affirming to be re-elected as the Mayor of Hawkesbury”.
“I love the Hawkesbury and serving our people to the best of my ability,” Mayor McMahon said.
“Congratulations to Deputy Mayor Calvert on being re-elected, he is a long serving Councillor with vast experience and knowledge that serves our community well.”
Mayor McMahon will continue to advocate strongly for the Council to both State and Federal Governments, with a particular focus on flood mitigation plans and disaster management, given the Hawkesbury’s vulnerability to floods and bushfires.
“A great deal has been achieved during my last term as Mayor, much of which was also underway during Councillor Patrick Connolly’s term as Mayor as well, including park improvements such as Deerubbin Park in Windsor, St Albans Park and School of Arts, Upper Colo Bridge, major road repairs and many other examples of infrastructure improvement and repairs,” Mayor McMahon said.
“I know we will continue to see the Hawkesbury grow and benefit from current and future projects and infrastructure upgrades in keeping with Community Strategic Plan.
“It isn’t just about a leader having a vision, it’s about collaborating on a shared vision for our community. We are on an amazing journey to achieve the best we can for our local people, our local businesses, and our local environment,” Mayor McMahon said.
“We must continue to ensure that the higher levels of government hear us in the Hawkesbury, that they know what we need, both now and for the future, and that they act on it to deliver what we need.”
Mayor McMahon emphasised it will be important for all Councillors to work together to achieve the best outcomes for the Hawkesbury Local Government Area.
“With greater collaboration, the results of our work can be magnified for the good of our community.”
Mayor McMahon will serve as Mayor and Councillor until her term of office expires on 14 September 2024, in the lead up to the Local Government Elections that will be held in 2024 for compulsory public voting.
Mayors elected by councillors normally hold their office for two years unless a casual vacancy occurs. Due to the postponement of the last ordinary council elections to 4 December 2021, mayors elected by councillors during this term will have a shorter term than the usual two years.
Councils in which the mayor is elected by councillors were required under the Act to hold mid-term mayoral elections in 2023 in the month of September. The term of office of mayors elected in September 2023 will automatically expire on 14 September 2024, when their term as a councillor expires. The NSW Electoral Office will administer the Hawkesbury City Council Local Government Elections in 2024.
Page ID: 245031