Closing soon - Have your say on reducing the impacts of Hawkesbury River flooding - REMINDER

26 September 2023

Hawkesbury River Wilberforce Pitt Town - webHawkesbury City Council wants to hear from residents and local businesses on what they would like done to mitigate the impacts of floods in the Hawkesbury.

Council has received a grant through the NSW Governments’ Floodplain Management Program to complete a review of the Hawkesbury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2012. As part of Council’s floodplain management programs, Council is committed to finding solutions to reduce the risk to life and the social and economic damages of flooding.

The project will investigate flood behaviour and identify measures to manage flood risks for communities impacted by flooding of the Hawkesbury River, the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Sarah McMahon explained.

Management options may include physical works, emergency management including flood warnings and evacuation, communication, planning controls, education, or voluntary house raising or purchasing.

Community members can complete an online questionnaire or email details in relation to their preferred options for the management of the impacts from Hawkesbury River flooding, the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Sarah McMahon said.

“Your local knowledge and personal experiences of flooding are an invaluable source of information and Council welcomes your input into this project,” Mayor McMahon said.

“Your response will be considered as part of developing strategies to reduce the impacts of flooding on people and property."

Council will receive online submissions via the survey at ‘Management Options for Hawkesbury River Flooding’ at or in writing addressed to the General Manager by mail to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756 or email with reference to ‘Review of the Hawkesbury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2012’ by Monday, 2 October 2023.

The community’s valuable insights and ideas will be used to identify ways to manage the impacts of flooding as part of the Review of the Hawkesbury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.  Identified measures will be considered for inclusion into the draft Review, and following public exhibition and adoption by Council, will be implemented through the updated Hawkesbury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

Enquiries should be directed to Colleen Haron, Floodplain Management Officer on 4560 4444 or by email to

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