2023 Hawkesbury Community Satisfaction Survey
12 October 2023
Hawkesbury City Council’s 2023 Hawkesbury Community Satisfaction Survey will commence on Monday, 16 October and conclude on Friday, 20 October 2023.
Council has engaged Micromex Research to conduct the 2023 survey via telephone with Hawkesbury community members. Micromex is able to provide comparison benchmarking to Council’s previous surveys. Micromex Research has been conducting surveys for Hawkesbury City Council since 2009 as well as councils across NSW.
Council will use the survey to examine community attitudes and perceptions towards current and
future services and facilities provided by Council. Key objectives of the research will include:
- assessing and establishing the community’s priorities and satisfaction in relation to council activities, services, and facilities
- identifying the community’s overall level of satisfaction with Council’s recent performance
- dentifying methods of communication and engagement with Councilidentifying key priority areas for the Hawkesbury region.
Council will also be running a communications survey during this time. The survey will be open until 11:59pm on Sunday, 12 November. Hawkesbury residents are encouraged to complete the survey online at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/communication-survey
Page ID: 247267