Macquarie Park Draft Plan of Management
4 July 2023
Members of the community are invited to provide comment on the Draft Plan of Management for Macquarie Park, Windsor. The plan has been developed in consultation with the community and will guide how the park may be used, managed and improved in the future.
Community consultation is a vital part of the planning process and your contribution is welcome.
You can have your say by viewing and providing a comment at yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/macpark or via email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or by post to PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756.
The last day for the receipt of submissions is Wednesday, 2 August 2023. Development of these plans does not represent a formal commitment to funding. These plans will aim to ensure that any future works within the park will be consistent with the overall vision for the park. It is not anticipated that full development of the park will be completed in the short to medium term.
For more information, please contact Council’s Manager Strategic Planning on 4560 4444.
Page ID: 237799