Council meetings now webcast live

11 July 2023

webcastCouncil meetings are now webcast live at external link will open in a new window This external link will open in a new window

Once meetings are concluded, they will be indexed to allow easy navigation and published the next day available to the public at external link will open in a new window This external link will open in a new window

YouTube is no longer used as the streaming platform for Council meetings and YouTube subscriptions are no longer available.

Council meetings take place with Councillors participating in the Council Chambers at 366 George Street, Windsor. Members of the public (who do not have COVID-19 symptoms or flu/cold symptoms) are able to attend Council meetings in person or watch the Council meetings live via the webcast link above.

Council meetings are held monthly.

The next Council meeting is tonight Tuesday, 11 July at 6.30 pm.

The Agenda items can be found at:

If you wish to speak on an Agenda item, follow this link to the online form

Persons wishing to address Council meetings must register as set out below. Speakers are limited to three persons for and against each item and each speaker will be allocated up to five (5) minutes to address Council.

You will need to apply via the online form at:

Alternatively, complete a hard copy of the Application Form and lodge in person at  Council's Administration Building at 366 George Street, WINDSOR NSW 2756 prior to 3pm on the day of the meeting or delivered via post prior to 3pm sent to PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756. The application form is also available by contacting the Manager Governance on 4560 4426.


In accordance with the Hawkesbury City Council Code of Meeting Practice and the Hawkesbury City Council’s Local Planning Panel Operational Procedures, Council and Committee meetings and meetings of the Local Planning Panel are recorded in audio for podcasts and audio visually during the live webcast on Council’s website.

A recording of each meeting is available following the meeting on Council’s website. Any part of the meeting that is held in closed session is not recorded.

Webcast meetings external link will open in a new window This external link will open in a new window

Podcast meetings

Consent to recording

Members of the public attending a meeting may have their image, voice and personal information (including name and address) recorded, publicly broadcast and archived for up to 12 months. By attending a meeting, members of the public consent to this use of their image, voice and personal information.


Recordings of proceedings are not an official record of the meeting, nor do they convey the official minutes of a meeting or the position of Hawkesbury City Council.

Council takes no responsibility for, and accepts no liability, in the event that live streaming of a meeting, a recording of a meeting, or Council’s website is unavailable.

Statements and/or Actions Made by Individuals

Statements made by individual persons at a meeting, and which may be contained in a live stream or recording of the meeting are those of the individuals making them, and not of Council unless set out in a resolution, Council does not endorse or support such statements.

Council does not accept any liability for statements made or actions taken by individuals during a meeting that may be contrary to law, including discriminatory, defamatory or offensive comments. Such statements or actions are not protected by privilege and may be the subject of legal proceedings and potential liability, for which Council takes no responsibility.


Copyright remains with Hawkesbury City Council. Access to live streams and recordings of meetings are provided on Council’s website for personal and non-commercial use only. Video, images and audio contained in a live stream or recording must not be altered, reproduced or republished without the permission of the Council.

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