Working Market Site Application Form

This form applies to operating a market on Council land or crown land under the care and control of Council within the Hawkesbury City Council Local Government Area

Applicant Details
Is your organisation Not for Profit?
Type of Market
Market Format and Structure
e.g. Trestle tables, display of goods o the ground (please describe)
Elements of the Markets - Food
Arts, Crafts and Miscellaneous
Community, workshops and activities
e.g. pre and post market – cherry picker, forklift etc
Proposed Market Site

Site surface, percentage of site:

Please indicate percentage of site used:

Existing Utilities and services on site
e.g. cycling, shuttle buses etc – please specify
Road closures If yes, please note that Road closures require approvals

Please provide a site plan of the proposed market site that shows the relative size and proposed position of all infrastructure including:

  • Stalls, vans and marquees
  • Activity areas and amusement structures
  • Rubbish and recycling bins
  • PA Equipment, speakers
  • Emergency evacuation areas
  • Stages and community space
  • Toilets
  • Signs and banners
  • Entry and exit points
  • Market site boundary
Site Plan


  • I declare that all of the information I have supplied in this application is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
  • I understand that if the information I’ve provided is incomplete, my application may be delayed, rejected or more information may be requested.
  • I acknowledge that if the information I’ve provided is misleading, any approval granted may be voided.
  • I accept delays in processing will arise out of any inadequacies in the material submitted in support of this application.
  • I understand that once I have submitted this application, an application fee will be payable for which I will be invoiced.
Application declaration

Page ID: 182878

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