Community Sponsorship - Resilient Hawkesbury

Before you start this application, please make sure that you have your answers to the questions ready and attachments are under 5MB. Thank you.

Are you a not-for-profit organisation? *
(Files size must not be larger than 10 MB in total. Only pdf, jpg and png file types are accepted)
Are you a registered organisation with ABN? *
Is your organisation based in the City of Hawkesbury?
Have you read the Community Sponsorship strategy?
Have you reviewed the eligibility criteria within the Community Sponsorship Strategy?
Have you reviewed the Assessment Criteria Matrix for sponsorship applications within the Community Sponsorship Strategy?
500 characters limit
500 characters limit
500 characters limit
500 characters limit

Please fill out the budget template below

(from entry fees or sales etc)
(value of gifts or other sponsorship)
(from other government agencies)
(sundry income)
(from your organisation)
(including volunteer costs)
Will you accept part-funding for your project?
Have you received financial support from Council in the current financial year for this project?
Are you committed to completing a Sponsorship Agreement and Funding Acquittal form (if applicable)

Assessment Criteria Matrix has been developed to provide objectivity and to guide the applicant and Council on which projects will deliver an economic and social return. Please refer to the Community Sponsorship strategy for a copy of the Assessment Criteria Matrix.

Applicant should review the Assessment Criteria matrix. As part of the sponsorship Council will assess each project against the Assessment Criteria Matrix. The highest score that can be achieved on the matrix is 52.

Have you reviewed the Assessment Criteria Matrix?

Council sponsorship of a project is in accordance with the Council Sponsorship Policy 2007

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