Customer Feedback Form

Listening to your feedback is an important part of Council’s commitment to continuous service improvement. If you would like to know more about the complaints process or our customer service experience aspiration you can read our Customer Feedback Policy and Customer Service Experience Charter and Policy.

What type of submission?

Knowing whether your issue is a complaint or service request can help us to take the right kind of action to assist you and will enable a quicker response.


To get Council to review that all involved in determining the original decision have taken all the required steps in the procedure, you should lodge a review request.

Council recognises the importance of compliments and regards them as opportunities to identify when we have met or exceeded customer needs or expectations.

To share constructive feedback or Suggestion with Council about our program delivery, services, processes and performance.

A complaint is an expression of concern about:

  • Delivery of a Council service
  • Customer service experience
  • Failure to provide information
  • Errors of judgement or misinterpretation of information
  • Decisions being unfair, unreasonable, inconsistent or lacking in merit
  • A second request for services or action where there has been no response to the first request

We accept anonymous complaints where there is enough information to be able to investigate the issues raised. We encourage complainants to provide their contact details, as we may not be able to investigate the matter thoroughly without obtaining additional information.

Sensitive Complaints must be submitted in writing to the General Manager Complaints received naming a particular employee(s) or suspecting pecuniary interest, corruption, maladministration, serious substantial wastage or criminal activity (e.g. fraud or corruption).

Email us:
Post: Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756

Applicant Customer Details
Remain Anonymous
Are you raising this request on behalf of someone else?
Customer Contact Details
Lodger Details
Does your feedback relate to an address or location?
(please provide as much detail as possible – If applicable: Date(s) and Time(s), What is happening now, Were next steps or delivery dates promised)
(please provide as much detail as possible)
Have you raised this before?
Have you raised this with another organisation?
Optional supporting attachments
(Files size must not be larger than 2 MB total. Only pdf, jpg and png file types are accepted)

Please attach any supporting photos or documents that may help with your feedback or request

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