Council Notices - 1 October 2024
Classification of Land as Operational
Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 11 June 2024 resolved to acquire the property known as 6 McKinnons Road, Wilberforce, being Lot 3 in Deposited Plan 598774.
In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, it is proposed to classify the land as ‘operational’ and public notice of this intention is now given for a period of 28 days.
Further you may also view the documents via Your Hawkesbury Your say at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au
Council will receive submissions in writing, addressed to the General Manager, by mail to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146 Windsor NSW 2756, or by email to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au up to the close of business on Tuesday 29 October 2024.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.
Should you have any enquiries with respect to this matter, please contact Council's Manager Property Management and Strategy on (02) 4560 4444 or attention email enquiries to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au(External link) with reference to the RES116/24.
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