Council Notices - 29 May 2024

Public Hearing Report available – Reclassification of Land in Kurrajong Heights

A Public Hearing Report regarding a Planning Proposal for 1905 and 1913 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong Heights (Lot 2 DP 582878, Lot 3 DP 582878) is now available online.

An Independent Chair finalised the Public Hearing Report following an online Public Hearing on 1 May 2024. The Planning Proposal is scheduled to be reported at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 11 June 2024.

All documents associated with the Planning Proposal and the Public Hearing Report can be found through the Planning Proposal’s page on Council’s Your Hawkesbury Your Say in the documents tab at the direct link

A hard copy of the report is also available at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor from 9am to 4pm.

For any enquiries regarding this matter, please contact Council’s Strategic Planner on 4560 4444 or email enquiries to

‘Street Speak’ urban art and mural competition

Paint Your Town, Express Yourself: ‘Street Speak’ – an exciting new art project to enhance public space and deter graffiti has been launched by Hawkesbury City Council. Hawkesbury community groups, community organisations and high schools are invited to submit mural designs by young people between the ages of 12 and 24 with five grants of $5000 to be awarded to each of the top five art entries.

Council is calling for Expressions of Interest from local community groups and organisations that support young people in the Hawkesbury. Applications close 7 June 2024.See terms and conditions at

Street Speak is an urban art project that aims to provide a platform for local young people to creatively express their vision and connections to the Hawkesbury through art.

Organisations who are interested in taking part in the art project are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest to submit an art entry that can demonstrate that they meet the criteria. Successful applicants will receive an art project package, including guidelines for art and large format canvasses to depict their ideas. Council strongly encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and groups to apply.

To be eligible, community organisations and community groups must operate services for young people aged 12-24 in the Hawkesbury and can demonstrate experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • planning and implementing activities with young people
  • enhance public space and deter graffiti, through urban art or other diversion projects
  • has delivered programs that explore themes relating to youth in the Hawkesbury.

All applicants must be via high schools, community groups or community organisations that hold an ABN. Applicants will be required to sign an agreement that confirms that the art produced will be suitably appropriate for public exhibition (guidelines will be provided).

Members of the public will vote on art entries

The selected art entries will be judged by the Hawkesbury community from 13 June until 21 June – via Council’s community engagement website at

The Top 5 voted entries with the highest votes will each receive a $5,000 grant for their community organisation or community group to support their youth programs.

In addition, young people from the community organisations or community groups in the voted Top 5 entries will have the chanceto work with a local renowned graffiti artist on art murals at a prominent public location in a town centre in the Hawkesbury. Selected art entries that comply with the entry guidelines will be displayed in various locations around the Hawkesbury. The Street Speak Urban Art Project is funded under The Graffiti Management Grant (Western Sydney).

To receive your EOI form, canvas and a copy of the Terms and Conditions, contact Taryn Leahy at Community Partnerships on 4560 4444 or email

Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.

Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.

  • DA0363/23 - 9 Sardonyx Avenue HOBARTVILLE NSW 2753 - Demolition of an Existing Dwelling and Construction of a Dwelling House - ApprvdDel
  • DA0474/23 - 1349 Upper Macdonald Road UPPER MACDONALD NSW 2775 - Alterations and Additions - Single storey pavilion extension to residential dwelling. - ApprvdDel
  • DA0515/23 - 48 East Street KURRAJONG HEIGHTS NSW 2758 - Dwelling House - Alterations & Additions - ApprvdDel
  • MOD0019/24 - 1213 St Albans Road CENTRAL MACDONALD NSW 2775 - 4.55 (1A) Modification of Development Consent No. DA0190/23 - Design amendments – Approved

All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracker via or in person at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. ‘ApprvdDel’ means Approved by Delegation. ‘CertIssued’ means Certificate Issued.

Nominations open for the Natalie Burton Memorial Award

Do you know a high school student who has shown great strength by overcoming adversity? Now is your chance to nominate them for the Natalie Burton Memorial Award.

Hawkesbury City Council has called for nominations for the annual Natalie Burton Memorial Award on behalf of the Burton, Turner and Lawrance families. Community members are encouraged to nominate any high school student from a high school in the Hawkesbury area whom they feel could be awarded with the prestigious Natalie Burton Memorial Award and $200 prize money.

The award is intended for a recipient who has faced a challenging circumstance and, despite this adversity, has still succeeded through their personal application and determination. This could be a disability, illness or a serious accident, the loss of a family member or other situations that sometimes present in life.

The award is open to male or female students and is not restricted to academic achievement; it may take the form of community, sporting or general achievements and improvements.

Natalie Burton was a remarkable individual who died from cancer in March 2003 at the age of 32. Natalie was herself an exceptional student who accomplished a great deal during her life. This award aims to see Natalie’s life and her extraordinary achievements inspire local students to overcome adversity in their own lives to still achieve. Nomination forms need to be submitted online via Council’s website at

Positions Vacant

Please see for positions vacant and how to apply.

Council Meetings

For council meeting dates, please click here

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