Council notices - 3 January 2024
Hawkesbury City Council ats Monterea Land Holdings Pty Ltd - Land and Environment Court Case No.2023/274496
On 29 August 2023, Monterea Land Holdings Pty Ltd (“the Applicant”) commenced proceedings in the Land and Environment Court seeking to modify Development Consent No. DA0830/15 granted by the Court on 30 June 2017, for a 37 lot community title subdivision, including the construction of a new private road, drainage system and installation of a water recycling facility on the land at 67 Kurrajong Road, Kurrajong (“the development consent”).
The Modification Application lodged directly with the Court seeks to modify the development consent by reducing the number of approved lots and implementing a revised wastewater management system (“the modification application”).
Notification of Modification Application
Council invites you to make a written submission on the modification application during the exhibition period 3/01/2024 to 30/01/2024. Your written submission is to be lodged directly with the Council. Please quote reference MOD0092/23 in your submission, to be received before the end of the exhibition period above.
The modification application and supporting information can be viewed during the exhibition period at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au via the “DA Tracking” icon on the home page or at Council Offices between 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
Please note the details of any submission you make including your name and any other personal details, will be made available to the Applicant and the general public in its entirety and will also be placed on Council’s website under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
If you have any queries about the modification application, please contact the Assessing Officer William Pillon on 4560 4424
Appeal Proceedings
The Council has instructed Marsdens Law Group to defend the Land and Environment Court proceedings.
The proceedings are listed for a conciliation conference pursuant to section 34 of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979, on 28 February 2024.
Residents who have made submissions objecting to the modification application may have the opportunity to inform the Court orally of their concerns in relation to the proposed modification at the conciliation conference.
Noting the above, Council invites you to confirm if you intent on attending the section 34 Conciliation Conference on 28 February 2024, and if so, whether you propose to make oral submissions to the Court. Please confirm by no later than 12 February 2024.
Council may make available, upon request, a copy of its Statement of Facts and Contentions filed in Court on 14 November 2023. The SOFC articulates the basis upon which Council says the modification application should be refused by the Court.
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