Council Notices - 8 November 2023
Tender No T00178
Tenders are invited for Sewer Rehabilitation Works and will be received up to 3pm on 22 November 2023.
Council is seeking Tenders to provide sewer pipe & manhole rehabilitation and other associated services identified individually as Parts below for a five year period, with the option to renew the agreement for a further two years period at the sole option of the Council in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFT. The successful Respondents will be placed onto a Ranked Panel of Contractors.
Part A: Sewer Relining
Part B: Sewer and Stormwater CCTV Inspection & Report
Part C: Sewer & Stormwater Asset Pressure Cleaning
Part D: Manhole Refurbishment
Part E: Smoke Testing & Property Inspections
Tender documents are available at Council’s Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor for a non-refundable fee of $100 (incl. GST) or available free on the WSROC e-tendering website at https://tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc
Tenders may only be submitted by the means described in the tender documents and must be received by the closing time. Late tenders will not be accepted.
The canvassing of Councillors will automatically disqualify the applicant from the tender process.
For further information, please contact Gordon Sainsbury, Coordinator Procurement on (02) 4560 4470 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Tender No T00142
Tenders are invited for Construction of Liveability Project, Windsor Town Centre as a part of Revitalising Town Centres - STAGE 1 From Windsor Train station (Railway Bridge) to Fitzgerald Street and will be received up to 3pm on 21 November 2023.
Hawkesbury City Council is seeking to engage the services of suitably qualified Contractor to work with Council to deliver the construction phase of the Liveability Project for the Windsor Town Centre.
Tender documents are available at Council’s Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor for a non-refundable fee of $100 (incl. GST) or available free on the WSROC e-tendering website at https://tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc
Tenders may only be submitted by the means described in the tender documents and must be received by the closing time. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Please note there is a Compulsory Site inspection (or Pre- Tender meeting) to be held on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 from 10:30am to midday, meeting outside 366 George Street, Windsor NSW.
The canvassing of Councillors will automatically disqualify the applicant from the tender process.
For further information, please contact Gordon Sainsbury, Coordinator Procurement on (02) 4560 4470 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Tender No T00179
Tenders are invited for the construction of new pre-cast box culverts causeway and will be received up to 3pm on 21 November 2023.
Council (the Principal) is seeking Tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced Civil Contractor to construct new pre-cast box culverts, embankment works, approach gravel roads, and decommissioning of existing causeway at Gorricks Run, Upper MacDonald.
Scope of the work involves the followings:
- Construction of the new pre-cast box culverts
- Construction of embankment works.
- Construction of approach gravel roads
- Demolition and removal of existing causeway; and
- Provision of all environmental, safety, quality, and traffic management as per the requirements of the contract.
Tender documents are available at Council’s Administration Building at 366 George Street, Windsor for a non-refundable fee of $100 (incl. GST) or available free on the WSROC e-tendering website at https://tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc
Tenders may only be submitted by the means described in the tender documents and must be received by the closing time. Late tenders will not be accepted.
The canvassing of Councillors will automatically disqualify the applicant from the tender process.
For further information, please contact Gordon Sainsbury, Coordinator Procurement on (02) 4560 4470 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Nominated Integrated Development Proposal
Lot 1 DP 556829 [McQuade Park] 361 George Street, WINDSOR NSW 2756
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for a Recreational Area - Memorial Structure at the above property. The applicant is Windsor District Sub Branch of RSL. Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel is the consent authority. The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition from Monday, 23 October 2023 to Monday, 20 November 2023.
The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Heritage Act 1977 is required. The approval body is the Department of Planning and Environment – Heritage NSW.
All plans may viewed online via the DA tracking system atwww.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0350/23.
Council will receive submissions in writing addressed to the General Manager by mail to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, WINDSOR NSW 2756, or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au up to close of business on 20 November 2023.
Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.
Enquiries: Matthieu Santoso on 4560 4633 or 4560 4444 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.
Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
- DA0326/23 - 240 Commercial Road VINEYARD NSW 2765 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0288/23 - 328 Pitt Town Road PITT TOWN NSW 2756 - Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Swimming Pool - Approved
- DA0102/23 - 63 Windsor Street RICHMOND NSW 2753 - Dwelling House - Alterations, Additions and Construction of Carport - Approved
- DA0195/23 - 18 Agaricus Road OAKVILLE NSW 2765 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0257/23 - 10 Saddle Crescent NORTH RICHMOND NSW 2754 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0280/23 - 12 Saddle Crescent NORTH RICHMOND NSW 2754 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0324/23 - 1 Alma Road OAKVILLE NSW 2765 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0295/23 - 68 Magic Street VINEYARD NSW 2765 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House - Approved
- DA0201/23 - 44 Wattle Street BOWEN MOUNTAIN NSW 2753 - Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House, Swimming Pool and Carport - Pending
- DA0374/22 - 58 Grand Haven Road EAST KURRAJONG NSW 2758 - Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding - Approved
- DA0205/23 - 978 Comleroy Road KURRAJONG NSW 2758 - Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding - Approved
- DA0327/23 - 819 Tizzana Road SACKVILLE NSW 2756 - Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Swimming Pool - Approved
- MOD0052/23 - 159 Grose Vale Road NORTH RICHMOND NSW 2754 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0170/22 - Design Amendments - Approved
- MOD0053/23 - 50 Jordan Avenue GLOSSODIA NSW 2756 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0017/22 - Design Amendments including Changes to Building Envelope, Façade and Fenestration, Internal Layout, Building Height and Relocation of Pool - Approved
- MOD0065/23 - 4 Panorama Crescent FREEMANS REACH NSW 2756 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0138/23 - Correction to Stamped Approved Plans - Approved
- MOD0045/23 - 2680-2682 Bells Line Of Road BILPIN NSW 2758 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0343/22 - Approved
- MOD0046/23 - 99 Arthur Phillip Drive NORTH RICHMOND NSW 2754 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0375/22 - Remove Consent condition 10 - Approved
- MOD0054/23 - 160 Dollins Road KURRAJONG NSW 2758 - Modification of Development Consent No. DA0419/22 - Addition of Internal Driveway - Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracker via www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking or in person at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Council Meetings
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