3 March 2022
Community Information
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday, 6 March 2022
Clean Up Australia Day will be held this year on Sunday, 6 March 2022 and it will be great to see the Hawkesbury community supporting it again.
Hawkesbury residents have shown they are committed to a litter free community, with over 35,000kg of litter removed in the previous Clean Up Australia Day events over the last five years.
To get involved, you need to register at www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au
Development Applications Recently Determined
The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.
Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
- DA0025/21-58 Boundary Road, OAKVILLE-Subdivision - Demolition of Existing Structures, Earthworks, Construction of Roads, Service Infrastructure, Subdivision to Create 130 Torrens Title Lots-Approved
- DA0129/21-1/19 Conrad Street, RICHMOND-Proposed 2 Lot Boundary Adjustment, Strata Subdivision, Construction of a Carport and Demolition of an Outbuilding and Awning on Lot 21-Approved
- DA0144/21-160 Dollins Road, KURRAJONG-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0156/21-170 Dollins Road, KURRAJONG-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0228/21-442 Kurmond Road, FREEMANS REACH-Signage-Refused
- DA0235/21-140 Dollins Road, KURRAJONG-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0354/21-9 Observation Close, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House, Swimming Pool and Associated Landscaping-Approved
- DA0358/21-32 Merrivale Court, KURMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0362/21-7 Flannery Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Walls-Approved
- S960043/21-15 Fitzroy Lane, WINDSOR DOWNS-Modification of Development Consent - DA0410/19 - Design Amendments-Withdrawn
- CDC0001/22-52 Castlereagh Road, WILBERFORCE-Dwelling Single Storey Additions/Alterations-Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council Website.
Integrated Development Proposal
Lot 180 DP 41869,286 Windsor Street RICHMOND NSW 2753
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for - Conservation and Restoration Works to the Former Richmond Post Office at the above property. The applicant is Sutherland and Associates Planning. Hawkesbury Local Planning Panel is the consent authority.
The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Heritage Act 1977 is required. The approval body is the Department of Environment and Heritage.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 3 March 2022 to 4 April 2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor or online at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au via the DA tracking system on direct link https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0033/22. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.
Enquiries: Natalie Piggott on (02) 4560 4573.
Integrated Development Proposal
Lot 77 DP 211935, Lot 70 DP 753828, Lot 61 DP 753828, Lot 51 DP 753828, Lot 2 DP 1080830, Lot 1 DP 1099922 and Lot 7302 DP 1132572, 76 Chaseling Road North WEBBS CREEK NSW 2775
Hawkesbury City Council has received an application for Modification of Development Consent No. DA0681/09 - Modification to Festival Dates and Capacity at the above property. The applicant is SIMS Events.
The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Rural Fires Act 1997 is required. The approval body is the NSW Rural Fire Service.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 03 March 2022 to 17 March 2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor or online at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au via the DA tracking system.
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the application, quoting reference S960002/22. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Any submission made is to be accompanied by a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement. This statement is available from Hawkesbury City Council.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed.
Enquiries: (02) 4560 4424.
Positions Vacant
- Library Officer - Community Engagement
Council Meetings
- Tuesday 8 Ordinary 6:30pm
- Tuesday 29 Ordinary 6:30pm
Expressions of Interest
Community Representation on Council's Heritage Committee
Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified members of the community for appointment as community representatives on the Heritage Committee. Membership of the Heritage Committee includes fourteen Community appointments. Community members are generally appointed to committees on the basis of their industry knowledge and experience, technical skills and/or their ability to interpret the common interests of residents.
This Committee provides Council with advice on heritage matters.
For more information or to obtain an EOI Form please visit Council’s website or contact the relevant person as listed below. EOIs close 5pm Sunday, 3 April 2022.
Contact Senior Heritage Officer on telephone (02) 4560 4444.
Enquiries: Natalie Piggott on (02) 4560 4573.
Public Notice
Sewer Pump Stations C switched off due to flooding
Hawkesbury City Council has notified the Environment Protection Authority and NSW Health that Sewer Pump Station C (located at 94A Macquarie Street Windsor) is now switched off due to flooding as a result of the extreme wet weather event.
Council is conducting regular checks also on manhole covers in local streets and advises the community to refrain from any water activities in the sewer catchment areas including Windsor, South Windsor, McGraths Hill, Pitt Town, Bligh Park, Windsor Downs and Clarendon. Please notify Council by calling 4560 4444 if a manhole cover is seen dislodged. Dislodged manhole covers are being barricaded. Members of the public are advised to not drive through roads covered by water and to take alternative routes where possible.
Illness prevention during and after the flood or sewage backup
If you are faced with cleaning up an area that has been flooded or contaminated with sewage, you may be concerned about the health risks associated with this activity. Follow these steps to reduce your risk:
- Wash your hands after every contact with the flooded area, after using the toilet, and before eating.
- Wash hands under warm running water.
- Use liquid soap.
- Lather hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Dry hands with a paper towel.
- Have hand sanitiser available.
- Follow appropriate sanitizing procedures.
- Use diluted bleach to sanitise contaminated areas and objects.
- Discard cloth items that cannot be laundered, like stuffed animal toys or pillows.
- Open windows and use fans to ventilate the contaminated area.
- Keep pets out of the flooded area to prevent them from tracking sewage to other areas.
- Dispose of rubbish, including objects like toys and clothing, in leak proof bags and label as contaminated with sewage. Large items that cannot be bagged, such as furniture or carpet, should also be labelled as contaminated with sewage. Warning labels, attached to rubbish that is placed at the curb for pickup, will help prevent other people from salvaging these items.
- Contact your doctor, after hours GP service or hospital if you become ill.
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