1 June 2022
Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications And Section 8.2 Reviews Recently Determined
Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
- DA0042/22-11B Edith Black Road, BLAXLANDS RIDGE-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0211/21-23 Bocks Road, OAKVILLE-Home Industry - Use Portion of Existing Outbuilding for Home Industry - Metal Fabrication-Refused
- DA0388/21-83 Racecourse Road, CLARENDON-Animal Boarding or Training Establishment - Construction of a Stable Building-Approved
- S960005/22-132 Wolseley Road, OAKVILLE-Modification of Development Consent - Revision to Site Contamination Remediation Action Plan-Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council
Website at https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
Integrated Development Proposals
Lot 21 DP839413, 55 Wells Street, Pitt Town
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for the demolition of existing structures, earthworks, construction of roads and a Torrens title subdivision to create 11 residential lots at 55 Wells Street, Pitt Town. The applicant is Rack Constructions (No 1) Pty Limited and Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.
The proposed development is defined as ‘integrated development’ under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Rural Fires Act 1997 is required. The approval body for this referral is the Rural Fire Service.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period of 2 June to 16 June 2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor, or online via the DA Tracking System on direct link https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-bulid/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference ‘DA0146/22’. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed.
Enquiries: Andrew Johnston on (02) 4560 4549.
Lot 1 DP 1037470, Lot 2 DP 1037470, Lot 3 DP 1037470 621, 627 & 633 Windsor Road VINEYARD NSW 2765
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for - Subdivision - Demolition of Existing Structures, Remediation of Land, Earthworks, Construction of Roads and Infrastructure, Subdivision to create 18 Torrens Title Lots and 2 Residue Lots at the above property. The applicant is Mepstead & Associates Pty Ltd. Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.
The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Rural Fires Act 1997 is required. The approval body is the Rural Fire Service.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 2/06/2022 to 16/06/2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor or online at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au via the DA tracking system on direct link https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0123/22. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.
Enquiries: William Pillon on (02) 4560 4424.
Lot 3 DP 224860, Lot 1 DP 244901, Lot 2 DP 244901, Lot 3 DP 244901, Lot 10 DP 1274807, Lot 11 DP 1274807 1 Putland Place Vineyard, 202, 208, 216 & 226 Commercial Road VINEYARD NSW 2765
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for - Subdivision - Demolition of Existing Structures, Earthworks, Construction of Roads & Infrastructure, Subdivision 123 Torrens Title Lots, 3 Residue Lots, 2 OSD Lots and 1 RE1 Lot at the above property. The applicant is The Bathla Group. Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.
The proposed development is defined as integrated development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 because an approval under the Rural Fire Services Act 1997 is required. The approval body is the Rural Fire Service.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 2/06/2022 to 16/06/2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor or online at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au via the DA tracking system on direct link https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0133/22. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.
Enquiries: William Pillon on (02) 4560 4424.
Positions Vacant
- Community Enforcement Officer – Ranger
- Customer Service Officer
- Executive Assistant
- Operational Assistant - Construction and Maintenance
- Property Officer
- Trainee - Customer Service Officer
- Waste Project Engineer
Please see www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au for details and how to apply
Council Meetings
- Tuesday 14 Ordinary 6:30pm
- Tuesday 12 Ordinary 6:30pm
- Tuesday 9 Ordinary 6:30pm
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