3 February 2022
Community Information
Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 6 March 2022
Clean Up Australia Day will be held this year on Sunday, 6 March 2022 and it will be great to see the Hawkesbury community supporting it again.
Hawkesbury residents have shown they are committed to a litter free community, with over 35,000kg of litter removed in the previous Clean Up Australia Day events over the last five years.
To get involved, you need to register at www.cleanup.org.au registrations are now open.
Consulting the Community
Waste Services Survey – Let’s talk all things waste!
Council’s current waste services contracts expire in 2023 and Council’s landfill will reach capacity within the next 4 years. Council wants to provide waste services that meet the communities needs and expectations, whilst ensuring the waste services are reliable, affordable, and sustainable.
Council knows that the waste services it provides to the community are an essential service and we know how important an issue it is for you. That is why we are seeking your feedback to assist with Council’s decision-making, as it prepares its new waste services contracts and develops its long-term Waste Strategy.
HAVE YOUR SAY by completing our survey (Survey Closes 28 February 2022) www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/wss
Public Notices
Code of Meeting Practice
At its meeting on 25 January 2022, Council resolved to place an amended Code of Meeting Practice, based on the Office of Local Government's Model Code, on public exhibition in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and to seek submissions for any amendments to the draft Code of Meeting Practice.
In accordance with that decision, Council’s Draft Code of Meeting Practice is placed on public exhibition until Tuesday, 1 March 2022 and may be viewed on Council’s website at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor.
Council will receive submissions in writing via yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au or addressed to the General Manager, by mail to Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146 Windsor NSW 2756, or email to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au. Submissions may be made up until close of business on Tuesday, 15 March 2022. Council will consider all submissions received at a subsequent Council Meeting.
For any enquiries regarding this public exhibition, please contact Charles McElroy, Council’s Manager Corporate Services and Governance on (02) 4560 4444 or attention email enquiries to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au with reference to the 'Code of Meeting Practice'.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary, however, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.
Development Applications Recently Determind
The Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews recently determined.
Notice under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the following Development Consents, Complying Development Certificates, Section 4.55 Modifications and Section 8.2 Reviews were determined by Council.
- DA0013/21-93 Lennox Street, RICHMOND-Multi Dwelling Housing - Demolition of Existing Structures, Construction of Three Dwellings and Three Lot Strata Title Subdivision-Approved
- DA0033/21-25 Riverview Street, NORTH RICHMOND-Centre-Based Child Care Facility - 56 Place Centre-Based Child Care Facility, Basement Car Parking and Outdoor Play Areas-Approved
- DA0061/21-440B Comleroy Road, KURRAJONG-Demolition of Existing Structures, Construction of a Swimming Pool, Covered Outdoor Entertainment Area, Gym, Amenities Building, Tennis Court and Carport-Approved
- DA0139/21-18 Kaldow Lane, GROSE VALE-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0145/21-1420 Kurmond Road, KURMOND-Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House and Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0176/21-12 Wimbow Place, SOUTH WINDSOR-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding and Carport-Approved
- DA0180/21-382 Grose Vale Road, NORTH RICHMOND-Veterinary Hospital - Construction of a veterinary hospital and car park (Stage 2 of the Redbank Neighbourhood Centre)-Approved
- DA0186/21-88 Kurts Road, BILPIN-Farm Stay Accommodation-Approved
- DA0213/21-11A Edith Black Road, BLAXLANDS RIDGE-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0225/21-19 Robertson Street, KURRAJONG-Alterations and Additions to Garage & Construction of New Carport-Approved
- DA0236/21-332 Lieutenant Bowen Drive, BOWEN MOUNTAIN-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0244/21-5/87 Railway Road North, MULGRAVE-General Industry - Use of Existing Unit for a Joinery Workshop-Approved
- DA0245/21-39 London Place, GROSE WOLD-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding and Swimming Pool-Approved
- DA0246/21-50 Luttrell Street, HOBARTVILLE-Subdivision - Strata Title - one lot into two lots-Approved
- DA0247/21-325 Blaxlands Ridge Road, BLAXLANDS RIDGE-Demolition of Existing Structures, Construction of an Outbuilding and Carport-Approved
- DA0248/20-47 Lennox Street, RICHMOND-Multi Dwelling Housing - Construction of Three Town Houses and Strata Subdivision-Approved
- DA0258/21-144A Bathurst Street, PITT TOWN-Torrens Title Subdivision - Two Lot Boundary Adjustment-Approved
- DA0276/21-441 Greggs Road, KURRAJONG-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0278/21-85 Burdekin Road, WILBERFORCE-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0279/21-30 Berger Road, SOUTH WINDSOR-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0291/21-16 Kaldow Lane, GROSE VALE-Dwelling House and Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0296/21-2/295 Windsor Street, RICHMOND-Restaurants or Cafe - Fit Out and Use as a Ice Cream Parlour-Approved
- DA0315/21-5 Central Close, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House with an Attached Secondary Dwelling-Approved
- DA0326/21-5 Derby Place, GLOSSODIA-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0334/21-5 Grazier Way, NORTH RICHMOND-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Retaining Walls-Approved
- DA0336/21-6 Matheson Avenue, NORTH RICHMOND-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0337/21-37 Blighton Road, PITT TOWN-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - pergola-Withdrawn
- DA0338/21-45 Johnston Street, PITT TOWN -Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0350/21-9 Platypus Place, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0352/21-23 Range Street, NORTH RICHMOND-Dwelling House-Approved
- DA0353/21-3 Alcorn Place, PITT TOWN-Dwelling House - Construction of a Dwelling House and Swimming Pool-Approved
- DA0360/21-5 Mahony Street, PITT TOWN-Structure Ancillary to a Dwelling House - Outbuilding-Approved
- DA0366/21-5 Ilma Close, MCGRATHS HILL-Structure Ancillary to Dwelling - Swimming Pool-Approved
- DA0408/20-1141 Bells Line Of Road, KURRAJONG HEIGHTS-Dwelling House - The construction of a dwelling house and associated tree removal-Approved
- S960044/21-270 West Portland Road, SACKVILLE-Modification of Development Consent No. DA0448/15 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960047/21-18 Precision Place, MULGRAVE-Modification to Development Consent No.DA0319/18 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960052/21-36 Hillcrest Road, YARRAMUNDI-Modification to DA0370/16 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960053/21-78 Menin Road, OAKVILLE-Modification to Development Consent DA0314/18 - Amend staging to a single stage, reconfiguration of lots and associated changes to lot size, reduction in the width of Road No. 6 adjacent to Menin Road and resultant changes to lot sizes, and amendment of conditions 2, 3 and 57.-Approved
- S960054/21-5 Eden Circuit, PITT TOWN-Modification of Development Consent - DA0311/18 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960056/21-499 Kurmond Road, FREEMANS REACH-Modification of Development Consent No. DA0206/20 - Delete Swimming Pool and Design Amendments-Approved
- S960058/21-1429 Kurmond Road, KURMOND-Modification of Development Consent No.DA0205/18 - Provision of Retaining Walls-Approved
- S960060/21-7 Blighton Road, PITT TOWN-Modification to Development Consent - DA0255/21 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960061/21-28 Range Street, NORTH RICHMOND-Modification of Development Consent No.DA0088/21 - Amendment to Retaining Wall Location & Design-Approved
- S960063/21-75 Belmont Grove, NORTH RICHMOND-Modifications of Development Consent No. DA0473/19 - Design Amendments-Approved
- S960064/21-2 Mahony Street, PITT TOWN-Modification of Development Consent No.DA0270/19 - Deletion of Secondary Dwelling-Approved
- S960069/21-1742 St Albans Road, ST ALBANS-Modification of Development Consent - DA0105/21 - Design Amendments-Approved
All plans and details may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking via the Council Website at https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/current-and-past-applications/da-tracking
Development Proposal
Lot 4 DP 25173 Vol 7026 Fol 46,42 Harkness Road OAKVILLE NSW 2756
Hawkesbury City Council has received a development application for Subdivision - Torrens Title - Subdivision - Demolition of Existing Structures, Land Clearing , Decommissioning of Water Storage Facility, Site Contamination Remediation Works, Earthworks, Construction of Roads, Service Infrastructure, Subdivision to Create 39 Torrens Title Lots at the above property. The applicant is Allam Development No 1 Pty Limited . Hawkesbury City Council is the consent authority.
The development application and supporting information will be on public exhibition for the period 03/02/2022 to 17/02/2022. All plans and details may be inspected between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday, at Council's Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor.
During the exhibition period any person may make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the development application, quoting reference DA0356/21. Where a submission by way of objection is made, the grounds for objection are to be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission, your views will be taken into account as part of our assessment and a reply will be forwarded to you when the application is determined.
Please note that confidentiality is not available to objectors. The details of any submissions may be included in a Council report or forwarded to the applicant where it may help to resolve design or operational problems. Information (including copies of submissions) may also be released in accordance with Council Policy for Access to Information.
Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Any submission made is to be accompanied by a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement. This statement is available from Hawkesbury City Council.
If you have any concerns about the proposal, it is suggested that you speak with the assessing officer so that all aspects may be fully discussed. Matters such as privacy, overshadowing and impact on adjoining owners are a normal part of our assessment.
Enquiries: William Pillon (02) 4560 4424.
Positions Vacant
- Building Services Officer
- Corporate Systems & Database Coordinator
Council Meetings
- Tuesday 8 Ordinary 6:30pm – Council Meeting will take place by audio-visual link.
- Tuesday 22 Ordinary 6:30pm
- Tuesday 8 Ordinary 6:30pm
- Tuesday 29 Ordinary 6:30pm
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